With Understanding comes Appreciation
Hi guys, It’s been a while since my last post due to the preparation of this new mega thread, which attempts to gather in a public digital playlists la crème de la crème of my library (100,000+ songs), and the ranking of my favorite artists and (IMO) their best 10 albums, so grab a jar of coffee or a bottle of wine and put yourself comfortable since there’s a lot to explore, disseminate and digest here.
So here we go...
Music has always been a great hobby and passion in my life to the point, that I take the subject kind of seriously when a respectful, open-minded, well-documented and high-level discussion/debate starts. Back in early 80’s when I was a kid, I was hugely influenced by the music my parents used to listen to. They mainly used to play classic rock of the sixties and seventies (The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Grand Funk Railroad, The Eagles, Chicago, Bob Dylan, Carole King, Santana, John Mayall, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Supertramp, Elton John, Queen, etc.) and from there I began to explore all kind of avenues not only in the pop/rock realm but in the avant-garde, jazz and even the classical world. At this point of my life I’d rather listen to challenging, experimental, elaborated, cerebral, complex, uncompromising, sophisticated and refined music, which I yet find out very appealing, fascinating and beautiful. Technically speaking, I love music which sports dissonance sounds, counterpointing melodic lines, atonal/polytonal harmonies, odd time signatures, complex polyrhythms and weird accent notations through the percussions, and all the bizarre and unearthly technical features in music you can imagine in its composition. While I listen to almost all kind of genres, these days I’d rather listen to music styles that offer the latter; i.e. Avant-Garde, Prog-Rock/Art Rock, Experimental, Jazz-Rock Fusion, Guitar Virtuoso, Modern Composition, XX Classical Music, Metal and most of their branches. Why? I guess my musical taste has evolved throughout my life and this is the current product.
As Frank Zappa, John Zorn, Thelonious Monk, John Zorn and other genius composers, I'm also a self-taught of music theory, and while way far at their level of knowledge, I have developed a basic acumen of the technical stuff, which has helped me a lot to get into it, and love this kind of music each day more and more; i.e. just the opposite to what mainstream and commercial music typically offer. Add to the equation that only high-caliber and virtuoso musicians can perform this kind of music properly, making it even more interesting, intriguing, appealing and fascinating. Yes, this is an acquired taste thing but remember, everything in life which is an acquired taste regardless the subject worth the try. Also it’s worth to mention, that the artwork covers, booklets and packaging of these albums (often) are very creative, stunning and luxurious, a perfect match for the pristine music offered by the artists. Unfortunately, most of the albums of these music styles are at times expensive and/or hard to find, specially in Vinyl and even in CDs.
So I thought it was worth to take advantage of our today's advanced digital era, and assemble a digital playlist of the tip of the iceberg of my library, which attempts to include my essential/favorite artists and their top 10 albums (when available and/or IMO deserve to make the playlist), that I’ve been listening throughout my life, and based on my musical taste that I’ve been developing and acquiring through years. Yeah, It literally took me my whole life not only to do the listening, but to do the research by reading tons of reviews of each artist/album in order to understand and appreciate each one better, and select what I finally consider la crème de la crème of my library. This is why I baptized this playlist as Shark's Ultimate Music Research Playlist. If you are not familiar with the music styles I mentioned above and its definitions, I recommend you to google them at either of these sties: allmusic.com, rateyourmusic.com, progarchives.com or discogs.com. These webpages are fairly legit music sources and accepted references in the industry.
While my digital library is over 100,000 songs, this playlist represents approximately only the 30%, so you won’t get tired of listening to the same thing over and over again, because it contains thousands of songs, considers several styles of music & moods, and different eras in time. I also ranked the bands and their albums in the order of my preference, so maybe we are going to agree to disagree in some cases and that’s fine. The least of my purpose here is to change your core musical preference, but to share you some gems that you might never listened before, while increasing your range of musical taste in some degree. If I meet the latter I'll call it a day!
Yes, Frank Zappa is my fav musician and at the same time my fav music style of all time (he plays in his own league), and no other no named John Zorn (Avant-Garde God) or Miles Davis (Jazz God), comes close to this one-of-a-kind genius in popular and even classical music, who BTW was always ahead of his time pushing the boundaries of music. I left a lot of great artists/bands behind in the selection process, but I’m always open and humble to reconsider or to new suggestions to add to the playlist great stuff, but remember, the selection didn't and won’t be taken lightly by any means based on my musical taste.
While most of the music gathered here is complex, challenging, cerebral, sophisticated, refined yet beautiful, I'm also including some great mainstream artists who have helped me to develop my current musical taste. Some of them are considered as some of the greatest of alltime in music. I’m including as well some great albums, compilations and songs by some artists who are not necessary at my top of my book, nevertheless they round pretty well my objective, which is to present the best of my library. I’m also showing below a brief Bio of each artist in case you are not familiar with someone and/or you want to explore new territories in music. This information was also added in the description of the playlist on Apple Music. As I said, this playlist will be updated if I find out a new artist/album that deserves to be considered, so I encourage you to follow this post and subscribe to my blog to stay tuned.
You will be able to sort the playlist in the order of your preference to listen to it —year, artist, genre, album, etc.— Once in the playlist, just tape in the search button of the app what you are looking for and voilà! but if you ask me, I highly recommend you to shuffle it, because you will never know what is coming (unless you see at the queued list), while you might be sporadically taken by surprised (with joy), by some gems you might never listened before or haven’t listened for a while —i.e. like radio stations do but without commercials. Also, if you share the same musical taste presented here or you simply find it interesting to explore, you can add it to your library by pushing the (+) button in the App. Trust me, it will save you weeks if not months of manual assembling.
This playlist is only available on Apple Music (you can transfer it through playlist-transfer platforms like soundizz.com though), because it is the only music streaming platform that has some unique features that allows you to manage and organize your digital music and library in very cool ways.
For example;
1. It allows you to upload your music from other sources, when an artist/album is not available in its catalog in Lossless and even HI-RES resolution. Unfortunately some albums (very few actually in this playlist ) are not available for streaming, so the latter takes a lot of relevance if you want to upgrade/complement/edit this playlist by uploading your own CDs/purchased digital music to your library and eventually to this playlist; i.e. you will be able to play the best of both worlds; what is available for streaming on Apple Music AND your own physical/digital music in the SAME LIBRARY.
2. It lets you edit the tags/metadata of your songs, either you want to create cool smart playlists by doing simple or complex queries through the metadata of your files (songs), or simply to order your music properly, by filling some information of the metadata of your songs which typically come in blank like the name of the composer, lyrics, group/lineup/credits, comments, bpm, etc, or by correcting some information which is at times inaccurate like the year or genre of a certain album or song.
3. In most streaming platforms, you can not assemble playlists over 10,000 songs. Here there’s no limit.
4. You can buy all the music of its streaming service on iTunes Store and listen to it on other digital jukeboxes.
5. It arguably has the largest music catalog —Over 100 million songs.
6. Plenty of songs include not only the lyrics but its Apple Music Sing feature, which basically allows you to do Karaoke while turning up and down the volume of the vocals of a song at the level of your preference. The latter is a pretty cool feature if you ask me.
7. It lets you rate your music in two ways. You can give to a song either a “Love”, and/or being more specific, and rate it from 1 to 5 stars, depending on how much you like that tune. You can rate your albums and playlists as well in the same way. Again, this is a great feature when you try to assemble smart playlists based on the “Loves” and/or the “Number of Stars” of your songs/albums, combined with other criteria like the year, genre, versions, etc.
8. In the comment-tag of a song you can create key words and commentary in order to classify your music in more specific ways —Idiom, Studio/Live, Lyrics/Instrumental/Vocal, Reviews, Shark’s Picks, Awards Earned, Music Styles, Themes, Moods, etc. For instance I use for example this symbology to classify my music better and represent the latter, and in order to creat more detailed and cool smart-playlists based on this information (En. St. Ly. SR. ASP. AR. AAP. Aw. Cp. S. T. M). Yes, you have to do it song by song. Yes, it is an up hill task. And yes, I'm that nerd when it comes to organize my music. LOL!

9. Unlike the comment-tag, which is limited to a number of characters to write (up to 300), in the lyrics-tag of a song you can add more and extended commentary like an album/song review, details of the awards earned by a song or an album, special notes, etc. and/or just fill the lyrics which at times come in blank, or modify them when they are inaccurate. For example, the version of Plastic People on Joe's Corsage by Frank Zappa is one of my fav tunes of all time, but its lyrics are inaccurate in its default pre-charged lyrics. Instead, Apple Music chraged the lyrics of the original version which comes on Absolutely Free, which are quite different on Joe's Corsage, so I had to edit them manually while adding other key info (at least for me) like a song & album review and the Bio of Frank Zappa. By doing this, every time I listen to Plastic People on Joe's Corsage for instance, I'm always able to visualize this information not only in my computer, but in all my Apple devices in order to consult some data, or simply appreciate the song even better —if I forget some details. Again, I did it for each and every song of my labrary. Yes, it will take you months if not years to complete the whole thing depending on the size of your library (if you dare to do the same), but once you get it done, it is really rewarding because your listening expirience will go to another level of satisfaction. Heck, It could be compared to the vinyl-listening experience because you will also read your own reviews and info that you pre-charged to each song while you listen to your music.

10. You can mix the tunes with its crossfading feature up to 12 seconds. It is pretty cool because it's like having a Dj playing your music without interruptions/"silences" between the song-switching. And if you want to go more professional at djing your music, the DJAY App supports natively your Apple Music library for both kind of sources; music which is available for streaming and music uploaded from your CDs/purchased digitally.
11. Most art covers of the albums come with cool animated visualizations. Man, I love this. Apple Music hit a HR with here.
Said that, while most of the music presented here is available on its streaming service (95%, I guess), I had to rip some music from my CDs and other sources, and upload to my library few albums which are not available in its streaming service nor at iTunes Store. Unfortunately these albums will not be available to play nor visible in this customized public playlist I'm sharing, due to copyright policies.
Once you have a great selection of music like the one I'm attempting to gather in this playlist, the only missing part is top-notch sound quality; i.e. the source of the music (HI-RES Lossless Digital Music when available), audio devices that can unfold these resolutions, and a decent set of speakers or headphones/IEMs to listen to it.
Regarding the source of the music, another cool thing of Apple’s streaming service as well, is that its music ranges from 256 Kbps ACC to Lossless at 44.1 kHz/16 bits (CD quality) to Hi-Res Lossless at 192 kHz/24 bits (Arguably better than Vinyl and other physical analog formats), and plenty of albums are available as well at Dolby Atmos. You can switch from one resolution to another as you wish in order to say, save data consumption of your cell company service, or maybe you just prefer to listen to your music in a preferred resolution.
Sure, other music streaming platforms like Amazon Music Unlimited, Qobuz, Tidal, etc. offer Hi-Res Lossless music as well. IMO the music on Qobuz sounds bit better than the others —but again; neither of these platforms include all the cool features I just presented above. So all-in-all that’s why I’d rather Apple Music.
Also, I always try to make sure to select and add to my library “Remastered” versions of the albums from its streaming service. The improvements specially from music recorded say 30 or 40 years ago or even more recent are pretty remarkable. So always try to take advantage of our today’s technology to improve your listening experience. I don’t recommend to listen to “Mix” or “Remix” versions though. Those often change the original arrangements of the songs and you don’t want to mess with your music, right?
OTOH regarding the audio devices, if you have a DAC (digital to analogue converter), you will enjoy and appreciate this music way better, since you will be able to unfold these lossless resolutions. Remember, a lot is going on regarding the musicianship and soundstage specially in this kind of music (the music styles I mentioned above and artists shown below), so you don’t want to miss a single note/instrument, do you? Tip: regarding its music at Dolby Atmos, it can be unfolded by its Apple’s IEMs and Headphones —AirPod Pro and AirPod Max.
For instance, I use a FiiO BTR7 DAC which drives a Yanyin Canon IEM set through its 4.4 mm balanced output. I also use a 21-core cable of 2 pins. This DAC is capable to unfold up to PCM/MQA/LDAC/aptX HD 384K/32Bit DSD256 resolutions without a problem. I really recomend these IEMs. It features the following: 1 Dynamic + 4 Balanced Armature HiFi Hybrid Earphones, High Quality Single Crystal Copper Silver-Plated Cable, 3 Tuning Switches, Changeable Collocation, Medical Resin Shell, Ergonomic Design, and Professional Crossover Technology. I recommend to set its switches at 0-I-0, trust me, you won't need more bass, but again it's up to you. Also, at its 350 USD price-tag, you won't notice the difference from other IEMs that even triplicate its price. To really upgrade your listening expirience you gotta go to the 1,500 USD segment and still this set won’t let you down, trust me. Do your own due dilligence though. It’s worth to mention that this audio configuration (DAC, IEM and Cable) won’t cost you more than 500 USD and you will likely listen to details, textures and nuances that you might never listened before —If you don’t consider yourself an audiophile of course. Man, I still also use my old 2009 Macbook Pro and Motu Ultralite mk3 audio interface combo which drives my set of Cerwin Vega Speakers (4 CVA-28 and 1 CVA-118). It's unbelievable that this audio interface is still able to unfold today's 192 Khz sample sizes thanks to its (then) state-of-the-art DAC chip. The music still sounds pretty cool and detailed specially regarding the soundstage through this set.
Said that, I took the time to explain the latter, because (I also promised to do it in other post) when you listen to your music at the best sound quality of your possibilities (source of the music, proper audio devices to unfold Lossless resolutions, and a decent set of speakers/headphones/IEMs), you will likely experience nirvana, and you don’t really have to spend that much these days specially with the CHI-FI hype we are living these days. Out there are plenty of options for all budgets. I encourage you to dig a bit and do your own research.
Anyways, I put a lot of passion, effort and time on this artisanal yet state-of the-art playlist through years, and I guess it is pretty much set to share it, so hopefully you like it guys. As I said, this is a living thing so I'll keep it updated if a new Artist, Album or Song deserves to make the playlist, or even if the ranking changes a bit through time. Again, follow this post and suscribe to my blog to stay tuned.
For any question or suggestion, do not hesitate to contact me.
Music is the best. Enjoy it!
2,480 Albums. 28,686 Songs. 98 Days of continuous listening. 344 GB music stored. Updated: 12.03.2025
God of Gods Frank Zappa The creator of radical rock during the '60s who later pursued even more adventurous avenues, ranging from avant-garde, jazz-rock to classical composition and complex computer music. 1. Hot Rats, 2. Läther, 3. The Yellow Shark, 4. Civilization Phase III, 5. Absolutely Free, 6. Uncle Meat, 7. Apostrophe (‘), 8. Lumpy Gravy Primordial, 9. Over-Nite Sensation 10. Joe’s Garage. All his Official catalog is also included. Check out the albums included here (129 albums/3,226 songs thus far and counting): https://www.sumrc.com/post/the-bible-of-the-discography-of-a-unique-genius-frank-zappa
Avant-Garde God John Zorn Avant-garde composer, saxophonist, film soundtracker, and musical gadfly who has collaborated with countless artists. 1. Bar Kokhoba, 2. Andras: The Book of Angels, Vol. 28, 3. The Gift, 4. Godard/Spillane, 5. Cobra: Game Pieces, Vol. 2 6. Naked City 7. Masada - The Circle Maker, 8. At the Mountain of Madness - Live In Europe, 9. The Big Gundown, 10. The Best of Filmworks - 20 Years of Soundtrack Music. All his Official catalog is also included. Check out the albums included here (350 albums/3,322 songs thus far and counting): https://www.sumrc.com/post/the-bible-of-the-discography-of-an-alchemist-master-john-zorn
Jazz God Miles Davis The epitome of cool, an eternally evolving trumpeter who repeatedly changed the course of jazz between the 1950s and '90s. 1. In a Silent Way, 2. Bitches Brew, 3. A Tribute To Jack Johnson, 4. Kind of Blue 5. Miles Ahead 6. Get Up With It, 7. 'Round About Midnight, 8. Sketches of Spain, 9. Miles Smiles, 10. On the Corner. All his Official catalog which is available for streaming is also included (60+ albums/428 songs).
Captain Beefheart Influential figure who fused disparate forms like free jazz, the avant-garde, blues, and rock into a highly original and nearly unclassifiable style. 1. Trout Mask Replica, 2. Sun Zoom Spark: 1970 to 1972, 3. Grow Fins: Rarities 1965-1982, 4. Doc at the Radar Station, 5. Strictly Personal, 6. The Mirror Man Sessions, 7. Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller), 8. Ice Cream for Crow, 9. Bluejeans and Moonbeams, 10. Safe As Milk
Henry Cow During their brief and tumultuous lifespan, fiercely political British art rockers Henry Cow spawned a musical subgenre that became known as Rock In Opposition. 1. Western Culture, 2. Unrest, 3. Leg End, 4. In Praise Of Learning, 5. Desperate Straights, 6. Concerts, 7. A Cow Cabinet Of Curiosities, 8. Vol. 1: Beginnings, 9. Vol. 2: 1974-5, 10. Glastonbury and Elsewhere. Art Bears Guitarist Fred Frith, drummer Chris Cutler, and singer Dagmar Krause formed the uncompromising Art Bears upon the 1978 breakup of Henry Cow. 1. Winter Songs, 2. The World As It Is Today, 3. Hopes and Fears. News From Babel A studio project that combined incredible talents and being direct descendants of these RIO bands, their style is very much 'out there' although not as wild or intense. 1.News Sirens and Silences / Work Resumed On the Tower, 2.Letters Home
Can Influential German group who produced a spontaneous yet highly disciplined form of groove-heavy experimental rock. 1. Unlimited Edition, 2. Tago Mago, 3. Ege Bamyasi, 4. Monster Movie, 5. Soundtracks, 6. Delay 1968, 7. Landed, 8. Future Days, 9. Soon Over Babluma, 10. Flow Motion
King Crimson Arguably the definitive exponents of British progressive rock, spurred on by Robert Fripp's innovative guitar work. 1. Discipline, 2. Larks' Tongues in Aspic 3. In the Court of the Crimson King, 4. In the Wake of Poseidon, 5. Islands, 6. Lizard, 7. Starless and Bible Black, 8. Red, 9. Beat, 10. Three of a Perfect Pair
Genesis Seminal British prog band whose ambitious, classical-tinged art rock gradually became more accessible by the '80s. 1. Selling England by the Pound, 2. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, 3. Archive #1 (1967-1975), 4. Nursery Cryme, 5. Foxtrot, 6. Trespass, 7. A Trick of the Tail, 8. Wind & Wuthering, 9. From Genesis to Revelation 10. And Then There Were Three
Gentle Giant Acclaimed British progressive rock band noted for their meld of hard rock with classical music and medieval approach to singing. 1. Acquiring the Taste, 2. Octopus, 3. Free Hand, 4. Three Friends, 5. The Power and the Glory, 6. In a Glass House, 7. In'terview, 8. Gentle Giant, 9. Playing the Fool: The Official Live, 10. The Missing Piece
Buckethead Eclectic and dexterous guitarist whose repertoire ranges from discordant free jazz, avant-garde to arena-ready hard rock. 1. Colma, 2. Giant Robot, 3. Electric Tears 4. Crime Slunk Scene, 5. Monsters and Robots 6. Population Override 7. Chicken Noodles 8. Enter the Kitchen 9. Kaleidoscalp 10. Acoustic Shards
Tom Waits A neo-beatnik songwriter who grew weirder and wilder in the '80s, earning a cult following that only grew larger as the years passed. 1. Rain Dogs, 2. Swordfishtrombones, 3. Frank’s Wild Years, 4. Bone Machine, 5. The Black Rider, 6. Heartattack and Vine, 7. Alice, 8. Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards, 9. Mule Variations, 10. Blue Valentine
The Legendary Pink Dots U.K. experimental outfit whose exploratory psychedelic music has turned ears since the 1980s 1. The Maria Dimension, 2. Poppy Variations, 3. Crushed Velvet Apocalypse, 4. The Golden Age, 5. Asylum, 6. Your Children Placate You from Premature Graves, 7. Stained Glass Soma Fountain, 8. Island of Jewels, 9. The Whispering Wall 10. Any Day Now
Jane German progressive rock group, emerged within the krautrock scene. Playing a melodious synthesis of symphonic hard rock that has occasionally been compared to Pink Floyd. 1. Together, 2. Fire, Water, Earth & Air, 3. Between Heaven and Hell, 4. Here We Are, 5. Jane III, 6. Lady, 7. Age of Madness, 8. Sign No. 9, Live at Home, 10 Germania
Camel Durable English prog rockers who released a spate of majestic, canonical records in the 1970s and '80s. 1. Rajaz, 2. The Snow Goose, 3. A Nod and a Wink, 4. Moonmadness, 5. Nude, 6. Camel, 7. Mirage, 8. Harbour Of Tears, 9. Stationary Traveller, 10. Rain Dances
Tool American quartet that elevated their early-'90s metal sonics with a sophisticated, progressive flourish. 1. Lateralus, 2. Ænima, 3. 10,000 Days, 4. Fear Inoculum, 5. Undertow
Primus One of the original and most distinctive alt-metal groups, a whimsical party band with the chops to absorb punk rock, thrash, and funk. 1. Frizzle Fry, 2. Sailing the Seas of Cheese, 3. Tales from the Punchbowl, 4. Pork Soda 5. Brown Album, 6. Antipop, 7. Green Naugahyde, 8. Suck on This, 9. Primus & The Chocolate Factory with The Fungi Ensemble, 10. The Desaturating Seven
Faust Pioneering and influential German rock outfit who blended avant-garde electronics and trippy psychedelia to create a radical musical collage. 1. Faust IV, 2. 71 Minutes of Faust, 3. Faust, 4. The Faust Tapes, 5. So Far, 6. Ravvivando, 7. Outside the Dream Syndicate, 8. Something Dirty, 9. Punkt, 10. Daumenbruch
Amon Düül Influential German collective rooted in psychedelic, folk, and jazz but using a heavily experimental and improvisational framework. 1. Disaster, 2. Tanz der Lemminge (Dance of the Lemmings), 3. Yeti, 4. Phallus Dei, 5. Paradieswärts Düül, 6. Psychedelic Underground, 7. Airs On a Shoestring 8. Collapsing: Singvögel Rückwärts & Co., 9. Wolf City 10. Carnival in Babylon
Van Der Graaf Generator & Peter Hammill Art rock unit led by Peter Hammill, distinguished for a dynamic range rivaled only by King Crimson and for their surprising influence on British punk.1. Pawn Hearts, 2. H To He, Who Am The Only One, 3. The Least We Can Do Is Wave to Each Other, 4. Godbluff, 5. Still Life, 6. World Record, 7. The Quiet Zone / The Pleasure Dome, 8. Present 9. The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage 10. In Camera
The Residents Anonymous Fab Four of the avant-garde whose absurd musical deconstructions have alternated between experimentalism and accessibility. 1. The Third Reich 'N' Roll 2. Duck Stab / Buster & Glen, 3. Not Available 4. Meet The Residents 5. Eskimo 6. Fingerprince 7. Demons Dance Alone 8. The 12 Days of Brumalia 9. Wormwood: Curious Stories From the Bible 10. Commercial Album
Ash Ra Tempel One of the most formidable of the German Krautrock groups, Ash Ra Tempel were a powerful force led by guitarist Manuel Göttsching, and also included former Tangerine Dream drummer Klaus Schulze at various points. 1. The Private Tapes Vol. 1-6, 2. Schwingungen, 3. Inventions for Electric Guitar, 4. Starring Rosi, 5. Ash Ra Temple, 6. Seven Up, 7. Join Inn, 8. Le Berceau De Crista,m, 9. Blackouts 10. New Age of Earth
Soft Machine A pioneering Canterbury psychedelic group that initially featured Robert Wyatt and Kevin Ayers, later developing into an experimental jazz-rock unit. 1. Volumes 1-7, 2. Bundles, 3. Softs, 4. Drop Matching Mole Short-lived group formed by Robert Wyatt following his departure from Soft Machine. 1. Little Red Record, 2. Matching Mole
Popol Vuh Experimental German band whose cosmic, trance-like music was a huge influence on modern ambience and worldbeat. 1. Einsjäger & Siebenjäger, 2. In Den Gärten Pharaos, 3. Hosianna Mantra/Tantric Songs, 4. Aguirre, 5. Brüder des Schattens, Söhne des Lichts, 6. Agape-Agape (Love-Love), 7. Nosferatu (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), 8. Sei Still, Wisse Ich Bin, 9. Letzte Tage, Letzte Nächte 10. Sing, For Song Drives Away The Wolves. Popol Ace Having roots as far back as 1959 with The Scavers and later releasing a single Arman Stumpe Dur Express, this Norwegian quintet that released two albums under the Popol Vuh moniker (a Maya mythology-related name), until they became aware of a German band using the same name, they changed their names to Popol Ace 1. Popol Vuh, 2. Quiche Maya, 3. Stolen from Timex
Samla Mammas Manna Perhaps best known as Lars Hollmer's group during the 1970s, the experimental and quirky avant-progressive rock outfit Samla Mammas Manna enjoyed a following in Scandinavia beginning early in that decade. 1. Måltid, 2. Klossa Knapitatet, 3. Samla Mammas Manna, 4. Gregory Allan Fitzpatrick's Snorungarnas Symfoni, 5. Familjesprickor, 6. För äldre nybegynnare / Schlagerns mystik, 7. Kaka
John Coltrane A titan of the 20th century, the saxophonist pioneered many of the jazz revolutions of the post-hard bop era. 1. Blue Train, 2. Giant Steps, 3. My Favorite Things, 4. Africa/Brass, 5. Duke Ellington & John Coltrane, 6. A Love Supreme, 7. Ascension, 8. John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman 9. Bags & Trane, 10. Olé Coltrane5
Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso One of the "big three" in Italian prog rock history (with Le Orme and PFM) who have performed in one form or another since 1969. 1. Darwin!, 2. Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, 3. Io Sono Nato Libero, 4. Transiberiana, 5. Banco, 6. Come In Un'ultima Cena, 7. ...Di terra, 8. Canto di Primavera, 9. Orlando: Le Forme dell'Amore, 10. Garofano rosso (Colonna sonora originale del film)
Eloy A venerable progressive rock outfit and one of the most popular German bands of the 1970s. 1, Ocean, 2. Dawn, 3. Power and the Passion, 4. Floating, 5. Silent Cries & Mighty Echoes, 6. Inside, 7. Eloy
Jethro Tull Long-tenured English band known for their mixture of progressive and folk-rock, led by Ian Anderson. 1. Minstrel in the Gallery, 2. A Passion Play, 3. Thick as a Brick, 4. Aqualung, 5. Crest of a Knave, 6. Stand Up, 7. Heavy Horses, 8. This Was, 9. Benefit, 10. Songs from the Wood
Yes The definitive English progressive rock band, purveyors of virtuoso playing and vast musical tapestries, topped off with gorgeous melodies. 1. Tales from Topographic Oceans, 2. Relayer, 3. The Yes Album, 4. Fragile, 5. Close to the Age, 6. Drama, 7. Keystudio, 8. Yes, 9. Going for the One, 10. Time and a Word
Mahavishnu Orchestra Led by guitarist John McLaughlin, a band whose sophisticated improvisations and high-powered music helped pioneer the jazz-rock fusion of the '70s. 1. The Inner Mounting Flame, 2. Birds of Fire & Lost Trident, 3. Between Nothingness & Eternity, 4. Apocalypse, 5. Visions of the Emerald Beyond, 6. Inner Worlds 7. The Lost Trident Sessions 8. Unreleased Tracks From Between Nothingness & Eternity 9. Love Devotion Surrender
Focus Dutch prog rockers, led by Thijs van Leer, who surprisingly hit it big in 1972 with their instrumental single "Hocus Pocus." 1. Focus III, 2. Focus con Proby, 3. Moving Waves, 4. Focus 8, 5. In and Out of Focus, 6. Hamburger Concerto, 7. Jan Akkerman & Thijs Van Leer: Focus, 8. Focus 9 / New Skin, 9. Focus 11, 10. Focus 12
Rush Beloved by millions and scorned by critics, one of the great prog-rock bands, possessing an instrumental acumen rivaled by few other groups. 1. 2112, 2. Moving Pictures, 3. Permanent Waves, 4. Hemispheres, 5. A Farewell to Kings, 6. Signals, 7. Counterparts, 8. Clockwork Angels, 9. Caress of Steel, 10. Grace Under Pressure
Gong Anarchic, experimental, and whimsical ensemble originally led by guitarist Daevid Allen, a founding member of the Soft Machine. 1. You (Radio Gnome Invisible, Vol. 3), 2. Angel's Egg (Radio Gnome Invisible, Vol. 2), 3. Flying Teapot (Radio Gnome Invisible, Vol. 1), 4. Gazeuse! 5. Camembert Électrique, 6. Expresso II, 7. Shamal, 8. I See You, 9. Acid Motherhood, 10. Rejoice! I'm Dead!
Caravan Musically inventive progressive rock band that came out of the Canterbury scene with a gift for melody as well as imaginative improvisation. 1. For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night, 2. In the Land of Grey and Pink, 3. Caravan, 4. If I Could Do It All Over Again, I'd Do It All Over You, 5. Waterloo Lily, 6. Caravan & The New Symphonia, 7. Cunning Stunts, 8. Live at the Fairfield Halls, 1974, 9. Blind Dog At St. Dunstans, 10. BBC Sessions and Concerts (70-75)
Weather Report Jazz fusion innovators who explored exotic textures and rhythms, revealing a decidedly global aesthetic. 1. Black Market, 2. Mysterious Traveller, 3. Sweetnighter, 4. Weather Report, 5. Heavy Weather, 6. I Sing The Body Electric, 7. Procession 8. Tale Spinnin’, 9. Night Passage, 10. 8:30
Opeth Influential and acclaimed Swedish prog-metal outfit that deftly mixes death metal crunch with ambitious instrumental flash. 1. Blackwater Park, 2. Still Life, 3. Ghost Reveries, 4. Damnation, 5. My Arms, Your Hearse, 6. Watershed, 7. Deliverance, 8. Morningrise, 9. The Last Will and Testament, 10. Heritage, 11. Pale Communion
Swans Part of the original No Wave scene in the early 1980's, the New York City rock band SWANS has since become one of the most respected experimental rock outfits to the present. 1. Children of God, 2. Soundtracks For the Blind, 3. To Be Kind, 4. White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity, 5. The Great Annihilator, 6. My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky, 7. The Seer, 8. The Glowing Man, 9. Leaving Meaning, 10. The Beggar
Pink Floyd One of the most predominant and celebrated rock bands of all time, prog- and space-rock legends, known for superlative musicianship. 1. The Dark Side of the Moon, 2. Obscured by Clouds, 3. Atom Heart Mother, 4. Animals, 5. Meddle, 6. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 7. A Saucerful of Secrets, 8. Wish You Were Here, 9. The Wall, 10. The Final Cut. Syd Barret The greatest cult figure in rock history, he created a whimsical, haunting brand of psychedelia both on his own and as the early leader of Pink Floyd. 1. The Madcap Laughs, 2. Barret, 3. Opel
The Moody Blues Pop mystics of the rock era whose impeccably produced albums exuded pseudo-classical glory, driven by lush Mellotron orchestrations. 1. Days of Future Passed, 2. A Question of Balance, 3. Every Good Boy Deserves Favour, 4. To Our Children's Children's Children, 5. On the Threshold of a Dream, 6. In Search of the Lost Chord, 7. Seventh Sojourn 7. Long Distance Voyager, 8. Octave
Porcupine Tree Contemporary prog act with a wide-ranging set of influences, from classic rock to psychedelic to metal. 1.Fear of a Blank Planet, 2. In Absentia, 3. Stupid Dream, 4. The Sky Moves Sideways, 5. Lightbulb Sun, 6. Deadwing, 7. Up the Downstair, 8. Signify, 9. Metanoia, 10. On the Sunday of Life… Steven Wilson Prolific progressive rock icon who founded the band Porcupine Tree before going on to a celebrated solo career. 1. The Raven That Refused to Sing and Other Stories, 2. Hand. Cannot. Erase., 3. Insurgentes, 4. Grace for Drowning, 5. To the Bone, 6. The Harmony Codex, 7. NSRGNTS RMXS, 8. The Future Bites, 9. 41/2, 10. The Overview
Brand X English fusion band that included Phil Collins and guitarist John Goodsall. They have a very original, though laidback, approach to their music with a special focus on Percy Jones's brilliant fretless bass playing, something that made the band legendary. 1. Unorthodox Behaviour, 2. Moroccan Roll, 3. Masques, 4. Do They Hurt?, 5. Livestock 6. Is There Anything About? 7. Xcommunication, 8. Product, 9. Manifest Destiny: Trilogy I 10. Trilogy III: Live At the Bottom Line
Return To Forever & Chick Corea One of the key fusion groups of the '70s, helmed by Chick Corea and featuring an impressive list of leading jazz musicians. 1. Return to Forever, 2. Light as a Feather, 3. Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy, 4. Circle( Paris Concert), 5. Romantic Warrior, 6. Where Have I Known You Before, 7. No Mystery, 8. The Mothership Returns (Live), 9. Now He Sings, Now He Sobs, 10, Three Quartets
Hiromi Uehara Her style brings a wholly new approach to jazz fusion, as her prog influence is derived primarily from such artists as King Crimson, Gentle Giant, and Frank Zappa rather than earlier jazz fusion artists. 1. Hiromi's Sonicbloom: Time Control, 2. Another Mind, 3. Brain, 4. Voice (feat. Anthony Jackson & Simon Phillips), 5. Move (feat. Anthony Jackson & Simon Phillips), 6. Spark (feat. Anthony Jackson & Simon Phillips), 7. Spectrum, 8. Sonicwonderland (feat. Sonicwonder), 9. Beyond Standard, 10. Silver Lining Suite
Jimi Hendrix Considered by plenty the greatest rock guitarist of all time, with a raw, blues-influenced style that brought fire and emotion to rock music unseen before or since. 1. Electric Ladyland, 2. Are You Experienced?, 3. Axis: Bold as Love, 4. Band of Gypsys, 5. The Cry of Love, 6. :Blues
Emerson Lake and Palmer The original prog rock supergroup of the 1970s, they combined heavy riffs with classical influences. 1. Emerson, Lake & Palmer, 2. Tarkus, 3. Pictures at an Exhibition, 4. Trilogy, 5. Brain Salad Surgery, 6. Works Vol. 1&2
Jean-Luc Ponty A wide-ranging violinist who helped popularize the use of electronics among string players, and developed a varied style mixing many jazz genres. 1. Enigmatic Ocean, 2. King Kong - Jean-Luc Ponty Plays the Music of Frank Zappa, 3. Upon The Wings Of Music, 4. Electric Connection, 5. Aurora, 6. Cosmic Messenger, 7. Mystical Adventures 8. Open Strings, 9. Ponty - Grappelli, 10. Imaginary Voyage
U.K. Featuring members of Yes, King Crimson, Roxy Music, and Soft Machine, U.K. was one of the most prominent progressive rock supergroups of the late '70s. 1. UK, 2. Night After Night, 3. Danger Money, 4. The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo
The Velvet Underground The quintessential bohemian New York band of the '60s that fused art, rock, and poetry in a fashion that proved incalculably influential. 1. Loaded, 2. The Velvet Underground & Nico, 3. The Velvet Underground, 4. White Light/White Heat, 5. VU
Roxy Music Cult favorites, and perhaps the quintessential art rock band, who transitioned from hard-edged glam to sophisticated rock. 1. For Your Pleasure, 2. Roxy Music, 3. Standed, 4. Country Life, 5. Siren, 6. Avalon, 7. Manifesto, 8. Flesh + Blood
Kate Bush Haunting second-wave art rocker who was critically deified in the 1980s thanks to her tasteful, intelligent, and stimulating songwriting. 1. The Kick Inside, 2. Hounds of Love, 3. Never for Ever, 4. The Dreaming, 5. 50 Words for Snow, 6. Aerial, 7. The Sensual World, 8. Lionheart, 9. Director's Cut, 10. The Red Shoes
Herbie Hancock Inventive and intelligent jazz pianist/keyboardist whose distinguished career has covered hard bop, fusion, hip-hop, and dance. 1. Maiden Voyage, 2. Crossings, 3. Mwandishi, 4. Head Hunters, 5. Takin’ Off, 6. Mn-Child, 7. Sextant, 8. Thrust, 9. Inventions & Dimensions, 10. Empyrean Isles
Hatfield & The North Canterbury prog-rock supergroup featuring members of Caravan, Matching Mole, Egg, and Gong. 1. Hatfield & The North, 2. The Rotters' Club. National Health Canterbury jazz/rock band, offshoot of Hatfield & the North. 1. National Health, 2. Of Queues and Cures
This Heat Experimental U.K. band, whose music ranges from quietly beautiful to an all-out assault. 1. Deceit, 2. This Heat, 3. Made Available - John Peel Sessions
Moving Gelatin Plates The band's music was marked by shifting themes and alternating rhythms that were often delivered at a frantic pace. Like the groups from England's Canterbury scene, the Moving Gelatine Plates were also heavily influenced by jazz. 1. The World of Genius Hans, 2. Moving Gelatin Plates, 3. Removing
Univers Zéro Longstanding dark-hued Belgian chamber rockers and avant-prog pioneers led by drummer/composer Daniel Denis. 1. Uzed, 2. Hérésie, 3. Univers Zéro, 4. Ceux du dehors, 5. Phosphorescent Dreams, 6. Lueur. Present Dark and often relentless avant-prog band formed by guitarist Roger Trigaux upon his departure from Univers Zero in 1979. 1. Triskaidekaphobie, 2. Le Poison Qui Rend Fou Present Dark and often relentless avant-prog band formed by guitarist Roger Trigaux upon his departure from Univers Zero in 1979. 1. Triskaidekaphobie, 2. Le Poison Qui Rend Fou
Strawbs Sprawling, eclectic folk-rock act whose spacy mix of rock and neo-classical presaged prog-rock. 1. Grave New World, 2. Hero and Heroine, 3. From the Witchwood, 4. Ghosts 5. Bursting at the Seams, 6. Nomadness, 7. Strawbs
PFM Premiata Forneria Marconi Italy's leading progressive rock outfit of the early '70s, PFM would have remained a purely Italian phenomenon had they not been signed to Emerson, Lake & Palmer's Manticore label. 1. Per un Amico, 2. Storia di un Minuto, 3. Photos of Ghosts, 4. L’ Isola di Niente, 5. Chocolate Kings, 6. Stati Di Immaginazione, 7. A.D. 2010 - La Buona Novella
Le Orme Excellent early-70's Italian progressive trio (still around today) with classical stylings, featuring keyboards to the fore and a unique dreamy/powerful style. 1. Felona E Sorona, 2. Uomo Di Pezza, 3. Contrappunti, 4. Collage, 5. Florian, 6. Storia o leggenda, 7. Verita' nascoste, 8. Il Leone e la Bandiera, 9. La Via Della Seta
Barclay James Harvest Purveyors of pastoral chamber-prog, rife with surging rock energy and boasting a unique, Mellotron-driven sound. 1. Everyone is Everybody Else, 2. Once Again, 3. Time Honoured Ghosts, 4. Octoberon, 5. Xii, 6. Gone to Earth, 7. Barclay James Harvest
The Alan Parson’s Project A high-concept art rock band with several pop hits, formed around talented producer Parsons and songwriter Eric Woolfson. 1. Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poem, 2. I Robot, 3. The Turn of a Friendly Card, 4. Pyramid, 5. Eye in the Sky, 6. Ammonia Avenue, 7. Gaudi, 8. Eve 9. Stereotomy 10. Vulture Culture
Thelonious Monk A brilliant composer and criminally underrated pianist whose sense of rhythm, space, and harmony made him one of the founders of modern jazz. 1. Monk's Dream, 2. Monk's Music, 3. Brilliant Corners, 4. Misterioso, 5. Underground, 6. Genius of Modern Music, 7. Solo Monk, 8. Big Band and Quartet in Concert, 9. Thelonious Monk & Sonny Rollins, 10. Straight, No Chaser, Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane
Jeff Beck British guitar god, both with the Yardbirds in the 1960s and while leading his own band into jazz-rock fusion in the '70s. 1. Blow by Blow, 2. Truth, 3. Wired, 4. Beck-Ola, 5. You Had It Coming, 6. Jeff Beck's Guitar Shop, 7. Rough and Ready, 8. Who Else!, 9. Jeff Beck Group
Allan Holdsworth Fleet-fingered British guitarist with a liquid sound, respected by aficionados as one of the greatest axemen in the electric jazz-rock fusion genre. 1. Metal Fatigue, 2. I.O.U., 3. Truth in Shredding, 4. The Sixteen Men of Tain, 5. Secrets, 6. Hard Hat Area, 7. None Too Soon, 8. Anders Johansson, Jens Johansson & Allan Holdsworth - Heavy Machinery, 9. Allan Holdsworth & Gordon Beck: The Things You See, 10. Wardenclyffe Tower
Billy Cobham A technically accomplished soloist whose combination of bombastic power and rhythmic clarity made him the quintessential fusion drummer. 1. Spectrum, 2. Stratus, 3. Shabazz, 4. Crosswinds, 5. Total Eclipse, 6. A Funky Thide Of Sings, 7. Life & Times 8. Inner Conflicts, 9. Focused, 10. Drum 'N' Voice - All That Groove
John Mclaughlin Influential jazz guitarist who also explored blues, flamenco, and Indian music, and helped found the jazz/rock fusion movement. 1. Devotion, 2. Extrapolation, 3. Love Devotion Surrender, 4. The Guitar Trio 5. My Goal's Beyond, 6. Passion, Grace & Fire, 7. Floating Point, 8. The Promise, 9. Friday Night in San Francisco, 10. Electric Guitarist
Bill Bruford his career is like his drumming sound -- inimitable. Known for his ringing metal snare drum, crisp cymbal work, and knack for complex time signatures, a young Bruford came to prominence in the late '60s with Yes. 1. One of a Kind, 2. Feels Good to Me, 3. Gradually Going Tornado3, 4. If Summer Had Its Ghosts, 5. The Bruford Tapes 6. Master Strokes, 7. Rock Goes to College, 8. In Two Minds
Marillion Frontrunners of the U.K.'s progressive rock revival, led by Fish and later Steve Hogarth without missing a beat. 1. Misplaced Childhood, 2. Script for a Jester's Tear, 3. Clutching at Straws, 4. Fugazi, 5. Brave, 6. Marbles, 7. Afraid of Sunlight, 8. F*** Everyone and Run, 9. Seasons End. 10. An Hour Before It's Dark
Black Sabbath The embodiment of heavy metal, with the overpowering volume, sludgy attack, and fantasy lyrics that would define the genre. 1. Paranoid 2. Black Sabbath, 3. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, 4. Master of Reality, 5. Vol. 4, 6. Sabotage, 7. Heaven And Hell, 8. 13, 9. Mob Rules
Death Aptly named Florida metal band whose aggressive style helped spawn both the death metal and grindcore genres. 1. Human, 2. Scream Bloody Gore, 3. Individual Thought Patterns, 4. The Sound of Perseverance, 5. Spiritual Healing, 6. Leprosy, 7. Symbolic
Peter Gabriel Theatrical leader of '70s-era Genesis and a bona fide pop star by the '80s despite his experimental, often exotic, material. 1. Peter Gabriel 3 [Aka: Melt], 2. Up, 3. Peter Gabriel 4 [Aka: Mask, Aka: Security], 4. Passion - Music from The Last Temptation of Christ, 5. So, 6. Us, 7. Peter Gabriel 1 [Aka: Car], 9. New Blood, 10- i/o 8. Peter Gabriel 2 [Aka: Scratch]
Agitation Free 1970s Krautrock group who specialized in ambient, droning electronics with touches of bluesy Grateful Dead-style jamming. 1. 2Nd, 2. Malesch
Bo Hanson Swedish keyboard player/composer Bo Hansson first emerged in the 1960s as part of a duo that made a name for itself, first in Sweden and then on tour in Europe, and issued a series of three albums. 1. Attic Thoughts, 2. Magician's Hat, 3. Lord of the Rings, 4. Music Inspired By Watership Down
Art Zoyd French avant Rock in Opposition collective founded in 1969 with a virtually unclassifiable sound applied to film scores and experimental works. 1. Häxan, 2. Berlin, 3. Marathonerre, 4. Symphonie pour le jour où brûleront les Cités, 5. Phase IV, 6. Le Mariage Du Ciel Et De L'Enfer, 7. Faust, 8. Metropolis, 9. Eyecatcher
Secret Chiefs 3 is an Avant-Garde band led by Trey Spruance. Their style is influenced by oriental folklore and electronic music, fused with metal. 1. Book M, 2. Second Grand Constitution and Bylaws, 3. Book of Horizons, 4. Xaphan - Book Of Angels, Vol. 9, 5. Traditionalists: Le Mani Destre Recise Degli Ultimi Uomini, 6. Book of Souls - Folio A, 7. Ishraqiyun: Perichoresis, 8. Malkhut, 9. First Grand Constitution and Bylaws?
SBB is one of the most important Polish bands of the seventies. SBB, rightfully listed in the eclectic progressive genre, mainly plays a hybrid of symphonic prog, space/atmospheric prog and fusion. 1. Memento z banalnym tryptykiem, 2. Pamięć, 3. SBB, 4. Ze Słowem Biegnę Do Ciebie, 5. Nowy Horyzont, 6. Follow My Dream, 7. Welcome, 8. The Rock
Motorpsycho Norwegian power trio influenced by psychedelia and heavy acid rock. 1. The Death Defying Unicorn (feat. Staale Storloekken, Ola Kvernberg, Trondheimsolistene & Trondheim Jazz Orchestra), 2. Timothy's Monster, 3. Let Them Eat Cake, 4. Phanerothyme, 5. Little Lucid Moments, 6. Behind the Sun, 7. The Tower, 8. The All is One, 9. Here Be Monsters, 10. The Crucible
Mike Oldfield Talented and successful multi-instrumentalist who will forever be associated with Tubular Bells, a progressive rock masterpiece that sold millions. 1. Amarok, 2. Tubular Bells, 3. Ommadawn, 4. Hergest Ridge, 5. Incantations, 6. Return to Ommadawn, 7. Five Miles Out, 8. Tubular Bells II, 8. The Songs Of Distant Earth, 9. QE2, 10. Crises
Horslips Irish rock band whose style was a unique mix of folk, hard rock, and progressive influences. 1. The Táin, 2. Book of Invasions: A Celtic Symphony, 3. Dancehall Sweethearts, 4. Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part, 5. Aliens
Budgie Hard rockers from Cardiff, Wales who were one of the earliest British heavy metal bands. 1. Never Turn Your Back on a Friend, 2. Budgie, 3. In for the Kill!, 4. Squawk, 5. Bandolier, 6. If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules
Howlin' Wolf A primal, ferocious blues belter with a roster of classics rivaling anyone else, and a sandpaper growl of a voice that has been widely imitated. 1. Moanin' in the Moonlight, 2. Howlin' Wolf [The Rockin' Chair Album], 3. The Back Door Wolf, 4. Message To The Young, 5. The London Howlin' Wolf Sessions (Reissue) [feat. Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Bill Wyman & Charlie Watts, 6. Message To The Young]
Muddy Waters The giant of postwar blues, who eloquently defined Chicago's swaggering, Delta-rooted sound with his declamatory vocals and piercing slide guitar. 1. Hard Again, 2. Folk Singer, 3. Fathers and Sons, 4 After the Rain, 5. I’m Ready, 6. Electric Mud 7. King Bee, 8. Muddy Waters Sings "Big Bill”, 9."Unk" in Funk, 10. The London Muddy Waters Sessions
Duke Ellington One of the greatest composers of the 20th century, and the leader for 50 years of a band that became the greatest of all jazz orchestras. 1. Duke Ellington Meets Coleman Hawkins, 2. Ellington Uptown, 3. And His Mother Called Him Bill, 4. Masterpieces by Ellington, 5. Such Sweet Thunder, 6. Black, Brown and Beige 7. Duke Ellington: Three Suites, 8. Money Jungle, 9. First Time! The Count Meets the Duke, 10. Duke Ellington's Far East Suite
Charlie Parker Jazz giant who changed the face of the entire form, practically inventing modern jazz and shaping the course of 20th century music. 1. The Bird, 2. Jazz at Massey Hall, 3. Charlie Parker, 4. Bird and Diz, 5. Jam Session, 6. Charlie Parker With Strings, 7. The Genius of Charlie Parker #8: Swedish Schnapps, 8. The Genius of Charlie Parker #5: Plays Cole Porter, 9. The Happy "Bird”, 10. April in Paris: Charlie Parker
Louis Armstrong The most important and influential musician in jazz history, and one of the leading singers and entertainers from the 1920s through the '50s. 1. The Complete Louis Armstrong - Duke Ellington Sessions, 2. Porgy and Bess, 3. Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy, 4. Ella and Louis Again, 5. Satch Plays Fat, 6. Satchmo Plays King Oliver, 7. Ella and Louis, 8. Louis Armstrong Meets Oscar Peterson, 9. Hello, Dolly!, 10. Louis and The Good Book
Al Di Meola Spellbinding jazz guitarist who is revered for his blazing, complex fretwork in the vein of jazz fusion, Latin fusion, and acoustic styles. 1. Land of Midnight Sun, 2. Elegant Gypsy, 3. World Sinfonia, 4. Diabolic Inventions and Seduction for Solo Guitar, Vol. 1: Music of Astor Piazzolla, 5. Consequence of Chaos, 6. The Grande Passion, 7. Casino, 8. Electric Rendezvous, 9. Flesh On Flesh, 10. Splendido Hotel
Cannonball Adderley Alto saxophonist whose blues-soaked tone and swinging delivery made him one of the most successful proponents of soul-jazz. 1. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!: Live at "The Club”, 2. Somethin' Else, 3. Cannonball Adderley and The Poll-Winners, 4. Nancy Wilson & Cannonball Adderley, 5. The Cannonball Adderley Quintet in San Francisco, 6. Know What I Mean?, 7. Them Dirty Blues, 8. Portrait of Cannonball, 9. The Cannonball Adderley Quintet in Chicago, 10. African Waltz/Plus
George Duke Fusion pianist with outstanding work alongside Frank Zappa and later a successful crossover career blending rock, jazz, and R&B. 1. The Aura Will Prevail, 2. Soft Shoe (feat. Harry Edison, Jake Hanna & George Duke), 3. Follow the Rainbow, 4. Brazilian Love Affair, 5. Faces in Reflection, 6. The Inner Source, 7. “Live” On the Tour In Europe (The Billy Cobham Band), 8. Feel, 9. I Love the Blues, She Heard My Cry, 10. Dream On
John Abercrombie Versatile and inventive guitarist who skirted the edge of fusion and rock while remaining true to jazz. 1. Timeless, 2. Structures, 3. Night, 4. John Abercrombie / Marc Johnson / Peter Erskine, 5. Gateway, 6. Sargasso Sea, 7. Characters, 8. Gateway 2, 9. Five Years Later, 10. Arcade
Larry Coryell Pioneering fusion guitarist who explored everything from psychedelic rock to unaccompanied acoustic music to straight-ahead bebop. 1. Barefoot Boy, 2. Introducing the Eleventh House, 3. Three Guitars, 4. Tricycles (with Paul Wertico & Marc Egan), 5. Monk, Trane, Miles and Me, 6. Coryell, 7. Spaces, 8. Together, 9. Cause and Effect, 10. Level One
Stanley Clarke Gifted jazz bassist who established many contemporary techniques with his dazzling, rapid patterns and a highly influential slapping technique. 1. School Days, 2. Journey to Love, 3. Children of Forever, 4. Stanley Clarke, 5. Live At the Greek, 6. Jazz in the Garden
Led Zeppelin Acknowledged as the most successful and influential band of the heavy rock era, with a catalog that continues to inspire. 1. Led Zeppelin I-IV, 5. Houses of the Holy, 6. Physical Graffiti, 7. Presence 8. In Through the Out Door, 9. Celebration Day, 10. Coda
Santana Pioneer of Latin rock who successfully married elements of blues, rock, and Latin music, and enjoyed international acclaim for decades. 1. Caravanserai, 2. Abraxas, 3. Santana, 4. Santana III, 5. Welcome, 6. Lotus, 7. Borboletta, 8. Amigos
Invisible Created highly accomplished soft psychedelic prog that occasionally lapsed into old-school metal, particularly early on. 1. El Jardin de los Presentes, 2. Durazno Sangrando, 3. Invisible, 4. En vivo Teatro Coliseo 1975
David Bowie The mercurial music icon widely considered the original pop chameleon and figurehead for countless musical movements. 1. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, 2. Hunky Dory, 3. The Man Who Sold the World, 4. Aladdin Sane, 5. Station to Station, 6. Low, 7. Heroes, 8. Scary Monsters, 9. Lodger, 10. Blackstar
Kansas Classic rock radio staples who found fame in the 1970s with a mixture of prog-rock complexity, hard rock riffs, and pop hooks. 1. Leftoverture, 2. Point of Know Return, 3. Song for America, 4. Kansas, 5. The Absence of Presence, 6. The Prelude Implicit
Procol Harum British band best known for "A Whiter Shade of Pale," whose style encompassed psychedelia, prog, and art rock. 1. Shine on Brightly, 2. Procol Harum, 3. Grand Hotel, 4. Salty Dog, 5. Home, 6. Exotic Birds and Fruit, 7. Procol Harum Live: In Concert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, 8. Broken Barricades
Magma Relentless martial fusion, chanted vocals, an invented language, and an interstellar mythology mark Magma as the essence of zeuhl. 1. Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh, 2. 1,001 Degrees Centigrade, 3. K.A (Köhntarkösz Anteria), 4. Magma [Aka: Kobaïa], 5. Christian Vander: Tristan et Iseult [Aka: Ẁurdah Ïtah], 6. Live/Hhaï (Köhntark),7. Retrospektïẁ I-II, 8. Üdü Ẁüdü, 9. Attahk, 10. Rïah Sahïltaahk
The Beatles The most popular and influential rock act of all time, a band that blazed several new trails for popular music. 1. Abbey Road, 2. Revolver, 3. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 4. Magical Mystery Tour, 5. The Beatles [Aka: The White Album], 6. Rubber Soul, 7. Let It Be
Sepultura Legendary Brazilian metal act that forged a rich, powerful sound full of speed, aggression, anger, and a surprising dose of melody. 1. Arise, 2. Beneath the Remains, 3. Chaos A.D., 4. Schizophrenia, 5. Roots, 6. Quadra, 7. Morbid Visions / Bestial Devastation
Egg Canterbury-based progressive rock trio released a pair of ambitiously conceived, stylistically diverse albums in the early ‘70s 1. The Polite Force, 2. The Civil Surface, 3. Egg
The Mars Volta El Paso-based creators of dense, swirling, melodic-at-heart compositions beloved by prog and indie rockers alike. 1. Deloused in the Comatorium, 2. Frances the Mute, 3. Amputechture
Brian Eno A trailblazer in ambient, experimental music, and electronica as well as a producer of numerous major rock acts. 1. Another Green World, 2. Ambient 4 - On Land, 3. Brian Eno & David Byrne: My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts, 4. Before And After Science, 5. Eno, Moebius & Roedelius: After The Heat, 6. Small Craft On A Milk Sea, 7. Apollo - Atmospheres & Soundtracks, 8. Here Come the Warm Jets, 9. Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy), 10. Ambient 1 - Music for Airports
Änglagård Swedish band Änglagård is part of a whole breed of young progressive rockers who have cut their teeth on King Crimson's Red. 1. Viljans Oga, 2. Hybris, 3. Epilog
Wishbone Ash One of the definitive British bands balancing hard rock edge and prog-rock ambition during the '70s, complete with trademarked twin lead guitars. 1. Argus, 2. Pilgrimage, 3. Wishbone Ash, 4. Live Dates, 5. There's the Rub, 6. No Smoke Without Fire, 7. Illuminations, 8. Bona Fide, 9. Elegant Stealth, 10. Blue Horizon
Triumvirat is one of the most maligned but at the same beloved bands, they were accused of being ELP clones, but at the same time most people love the pristine music they created and the unique arrangements by that virtuoso keyboardist named Jürgen Fritz. 1. Mediterranean Tales (Across the Waters), 2. Illusions on a Double Dimple, 3. Spartacus, 4. Old Loves Die Hard, 5. Pompeii
Transatlantic Prog rock supergroup featuring members of Dream Theater, Spock's Beard, Marillion, and the Flower Kings 1. Bridge Across Forever, 2. SMPT E, 3. The Whirlwind, 4. The Absolute Universe: Forevermore, 5. Kaleidoscope, The Absolute Universe: The Breath Of Life (Abridged Version)
Traffic West Midlands rockers whose adventurous blend of folk, rock, jazz, and soul were driven by Jim Capaldi and Steve Winwood. 1. The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys, 2. John Barleycorn Must Die, 3. Shoot Out At The Fantasy Factory, 4. Mr. Fantasy
The Flower Kings Longstanding, innovative prog rock band from Sweden led by guitarist and composer Roine Stolt. 1. Banks of Eden, 2. Back in the World of Adventures, 3. Flower Power, 4. Desolation Rose, 5. Stardust We Are, 6. Retropolis, 7. Space Revolver, 8. Unfold the Future, 9. Paradox Hotel, 10. Islands
Ozric Tentacles British neo-psychedelic jam band who bridged the gap between techno and space rock in the 1980s and '90s 1. Erpland, 2. Strangeitude, 3. Jurassic Shift, 4. Arborescence, 5. Pungent Effulgent, 6. Curious Corn, 7. The Hidden Step, 8. Lotus Unfolding, 9. Spirals in Hyperspace, 8. Technicians of the Sacred, 10. Space for the Earth
Hawkwind Soaring, sci-fi-influenced British space rockers, respected in both metal and progressive circles during the 1970s and '80s. 1. Warrior on the Edge of Time, 2. Hall of the Mountain Grill, 3. Levitation, 4. Doremi Fasol Latido, 5. Space Ritual, 6. X In Search Of Space, 7. Quark, Strangeness And Charm,m 8. Electric Tepee, 9. Blood Of The Earth, 10. Onward
Nektar Prog-rockers of the '60s and '70s formed in Germany by a quartet of Englishmen. 1. A Tab in the Ocean, 2. Recycled, 3. Journey To The Centre Of The Eye, 4. Remember the Future
Serú Girán Progressive rock band from Argentina, was formed in the late '70s by Charly García, guitarist David Lebón, bassist Pedro Aznar, and drummer Oscar Moro 1. Serú Girán, 2. Grasa de las Capitales, 3. Bicicleta, 4. Peperina
Renaissance Classical rock ensemble formed as an outlet for a pair of ex-Yardbirds, but later driven by Annie Haslam's three-octave voice and John Tout's piano. 1. Scheherazade and Other Stories, 2. Ashes Are Burning, 3. Turn of the Cards, 4. Prologue, 5. Renaissance, Novella, Live at Carnegie Hall, A Song for All Seasons, Illusion
Monika Roscher Bigband is a German collective of 18 musicians which tries to stretch the stylistic conventions of the brass-centered big band format to their limit. 1. Failure in Wonderland, 2. Of Monsters and Birds, 3. Witchy Activities and the Maple Death
Senri Kawaguchi Japanese jazz and fusion drummer and have won many awards for her drumming. 1. Buena Vista, 2. CIDER ~Hard & Sweet~, 3. Dynamogenic
Miku Yonezawa started playing the tenor saxophone at the age of 8, and joined a big band at the age of 11 and her 3rd album was the number one bestseller in the jazz category in Japon. 1. Exotic Gravity, 2. Another World, 3. Delight. 4. Landscape, 5. Works 1&2
Vespero From Russia playing psychedelic music in the beginnings and later Natalya Tjurina (vocals) joined, and the band moved into more progressive rock-related areas. 1. The Four Zoas, 2. Hollow Moon, 3. Shun-Shir, 4. Songo, 5. Rito, 6. Surpassing All Kings, 7. By The Waters Of Tomorrow, 8. Subkraut - U-Boats Willkommen Hier, 9. Droga, 10. Lique Mekwas
East of Eden A perfect illustration of the futility that England's Decca Records faced in cultivating progressive rock (apart from the Moody Blues). A critically acclaimed jazz-fusion band with a strong Eastern music influence. 1. Snafu, 2. Mercator Projected
Neu! Minimalist rhythmic electronic band whose motorik style became a major influence on artists ranging from David Bowie to Sonic Youth to Stereolab. 1. Neu!, 2. Neu! 75
The White Stripes Detroit duo that walked the line between blues-rock primitivism and arty minimalism, unexpectedly becoming kings of garage rock in the 2000s. 1. Elephant, 2. White Blood Cells, 3. De Stijl, 4. The White Stripes, 5. Get Behind Me Satan, 6. Icky Thump, 7. Under Great White Northern Lights
Happy the Man Progressive rock band known for their high-caliber musicianship and complex, sometimes whimsical compositions. 1. Crafty Hands, 2. Happy the Man (Starborne)
Mr. Bungle Free-form rock radicals (sounds of funk, death metal, ska, video games, carnivals) who provided the first experience (and later, a side project) for Faith No More's Mike Patton. 1. Mr Bungle. 2. Disco Volante, 3. California, 4. The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo
Alphataurus A dramatic Italian rock band readily bearing comparison to an unholy collision of and Van der Graaf Generator. 1. Alphataurus, 2. AttosecondO, 3. Dietro l'Uragano
Quella Vecchia Locanda plays a complex music with a lot of instrumental combinations, beautiful melodies and a very high sophistication. 1. Il tempo della gioia, 2. Quella Vecchia Locanda
Area Uncompromising blend of jazz-rock, ethnic folk, experimentation, and political philosophies made them a unique presence in Italy during the 1970s. 1. Arbeit Macht Frei, 2. Crac!, 3. Caution Radiation Area, 4. Maledetti, 5. 1978 - Gli Dei Se Ne Vanno, Gli Arrabbiati Restano!
CoS Often referred to as the Belgian answer to ZAO, they offer a mixture of prog rock, jazz and Canterbury styles 1. Viva Boma, 2. Postaeolian Train Robbery, 3. Babel
Supersister had a sound very much in the Canterbury scene, and if I had to compare them to another band it would with no doubt be CARAVAN. 1. To the Highest Bidder 2. Present from Nancy, 3. Pudding en Gisteren [Aka: Pudding & Yesterday]
Picchio Dal Pozzo are considered to be one of the very few "Canterbury" inspired bands that emerged from Italy's fertile 1970's progressive rock musical scene. 1. Picchio Dal Pozzo, 2. Abbiamo tuttii suoi problomi
Omnipotent Youth Society (万能青年旅店). Bassist Ji Geng, drummer Zhang Peidong, and Dong Yaqian on guitar and lead vocals were the founding members China's Alt/Progressive rock band, Omnipotent Youth Society in 1996. 1. Omnipotent Youth Society (万能青年旅店), 2 Inside the Cable Temple (冀西南林路行).
Blue Öyster Cult. Seminal hard rockers whose best work is ambitious and intelligent, making them the thinking man's heavy metal group through much of the '70s and beyond. 1. Secret Treaties, 2. Fire of Unknown Orign, 3. Imaginos
Aphrodite's Child Greek psych/prog band that gave birth to the career of keyboard wizard Vangelis. 1. 666, 2. End Of The World
Supertramp A variant of progressive rock that some have called sophisto-rock. One of the biggest prog rock bands of the '70s, thanks in large part to their pop smash Breakfast in America. 1. Crime of the Century, 2. Even In The Quietest Moments …, 3. Crisis? What Crisis?, 4. Breakfast in America), 5. Brother Where You Bound
Uriah Heep British hard rockers with a revolving-door lineup and an eclectic sound that grandly draws on prog, metal, acid rock, and pastoral folk. 1. Demons and Wizards, 2. Look at Yourself, 3. Salisbury
Harmonium Quebec-based Progressive rock band, who sang in French, has a very apt name in HARMONIUM. 1. Les Cinq Saisons, 2.L'heptade XL, 3. Harmonium
Dream Theater Standard-bearing American progressive metal standard bearers who have influenced the entire genre with their impeccable musicianship and recordings. 1. Awake 2. Images and Words, 3. A Dramatic Turn of Events, 4. Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory, 5. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, 6. Train of Thought, 7. Octavarium, 8. Distance Over Time, 9. A View from the Top of the World, 10. Black Clouds & Silver Linings
Pain of Salvation has evolved from a Dream Theater-inspired, technical metal band into a stylized, syncopated fusion powerhouse. 1. Remedy Lane, 2. The Perfect Element, Pt. I, 3. Entropia, 4. One Hour By The Concrete Lake, 5. “BE”
Beardfish Swedish progressive rock band celebrated for their technical prowess and muscular interpretation of the genre. 1. Sleeping In Traffic, Pt. 2, 2. Sleeping In Traffic, Pt. 1, 3. +4626-Comfortzone, 4. Destined Solitaire, 5, Mammoth, 6. Songs for Beating Hearts, 7. The Void
Spock’s Beard Los Angeles neo-progressive rock band known for its catchy songwriting and technical playing style. 1. Snow, 2. The Light, 3. V, 4. Beware of Darkness, 5. Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep, 6. The Oblivion Particle, 7. X, 8. Noise Floor
Alphonse Mouzon Premiere fusion/funk drummer with Weather Report and Larry Coryell, plus a leader of dates for Blue Note, MPS, Pausa, and his own Tenacious label. 1. Mind Transplant, 2. Funky Snakefoot, 3. Virtue, 4. In Search of a Dream, 5. The Essence of Mystery, 6. Back Together Again
Steve Kahn Session guitarist for the likes of Lou Rawls, Steely Dan, and Michael Franks, among others; also recorded as a leader, starting with 1977's Tightrope. 1. Evidence, 2. Tightrope, 3. The Blue Man, 4. Eyewitness, 5. Let’s Call This, 6. The Green Field, 7. Public Access, 8. Casa Loco, 9. Borrowed Time, 10. Modern Times
The Cure The flagship for Great Britain's post-punk gloom-rock trend of the late '70s, with a ghoulish image that masked the diversity of their music. 1. Disintegration, 2. Pornography, 3. The Head on the Door 4. Faith, 5. Three Imaginary Boys, 6. Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, 7. Seventeen Seconds, 8. Wish, 9. Boys Don’t Cry, 10. Bloodflowers
Neil Young Eternally restless figure who pursued an idiosyncratic solo career touching on everything from noise-rock and synth pop to blues and rockabilly. 1. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, 2. After the Gold Rush, 3. On the Beach, 4. Tonight's the Night, 5. Harvest, 6. Zuma, 7. Comes a Time, 8. Rust Never Sleeps, 9. Raged Glory, 10. Neil Young
Joy Division The definitive post-punk band, whose vocalist Ian Curtis sang of despair and isolation until his tragic suicide in 1980. 1. Unknown Pleasures, 2. Closer
Radiohead One of the great groups of the alternative era, a restless, experimental unit that has incorporated adventurous electronics into their intellectual rock. 1. OK Computer, 2. Kid A, 3. A Moon Shaped Pool, 4. The Bends, 5. Amnesiac, 6. Hail to the Thief, 7. In Rainbows, 8. The King of Limbs, 9. Pablo Honey
Judas Priest One of the most influential heavy metal bands of all time, and the one that spearheaded the New Wave of British Heavy Metal in the late '70s. 1. Painkiller, 2. Screaming for Vengeance, 3. Defenders of the Faith, 4. Stained Class, 5. Sad Wings of Destiny, 6. Sin After Sin, 7. British Steel, 8. Killing Machine, 9. Firepower 10. Unleashed in the East
John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers Finishing school for leading British blues-rock musicians including Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Mick Taylor, John McVie, Jack Bruce, and many others. 1. Bluesbreakers with Eric Clapton, 2. A Hard Road, 3. Blues from Laurel Canyon 4. Crusade 5. Jazz Blues Fusion ((Performed and Recorded Live in Boston and New York)), 6. The Turning Point, 7.Back to the Roots, 8. USA Union, 9. Ten Years Are Gone
Embryo Long-running German jazz-rock group who have incorporated numerous global styles and instruments. 1. Embryo's Rache, 2. Rocksession, 3. Steig Aus [also released as: This Is Embryo], 4. Opal, 5. Father, Son And Holy Ghosts
Grobschnitt Progressive German group, best known for their signature epic "Solar Music," mixing psychedelic Krautrock with hard rock. 1. Solar Music - Live, 2. Jumbo, 3. Grobschnitt, 4. Rockpommel's Land, 5. Ballermann
Jaco Pastorius Tragic genius who reinvented the electric bass guitar, playing complex, long lines and amazing solos at remarkable speeds. 1. Jaco Pastorius, 2. Word of Mouth, 3. Jaco, 4. Invitation
Wobbler This group is strongly evocative of KING CRIMSON, GENESIS, GENTLE GIANT along with newer symphonic prog bands like ÄNGLAGÅRD and ANEKDOTEN with a dash of Scandinavian folk and classical influences thrown into the mix. 1. From Silence to Somewhere, 2. Rites of Dawn, 3. Dwellers of the Deep, 4. Hinterland, 5. Afterglow
Kevin Ayres A gifted songwriter, guitarist, bassist and singer, Kevin Ayers has been flitting in and out of prog throughout his long, languid career. 1. Shooting At the Moon, 2. Joy of a Toy, 3. Whatevershebringswesing
The Move Adventurous British combo that began with merry psychedelic odes but later pumped up their guitar amperage and attack to planet-cracking levels. 1. Looking On, 2. Shazam, 3. Message From The Country
The Doors Mystical blues-based rockers who revolved around the dark poetry and shamanic presence of Jim Morrison. 1. The Doors, 2. L.A. Woman, 3. Strange Days, 4. Waiting for the Sun, 5. Morrison Hotel, 6. The Soft Parade
The Rolling Stones The premier British rock band for over half a century, creators of the sound and style imitated by countless groups. 1. Sticky Fingers, 2. Exile on Main St., 3. Let It Bleed, 4. Beggars Banquet, 5. Some Girls, 6. Aftermath, 7. Between the Buttons, 8. 12 X 5 , 9. Out of Our Heads, 10. Their Satanic Majesties Request, 11. Goats Head Soup
Charly García Argentinian singer, songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist regarded as the founding father of his country's rock scene. 1. Clics modernos, 2. Parte de la Religión, 3. Piano Bar, 4. Yendo de la cama al living, 5. Filosofía barata y zapatos de goma, 6. Say No More, 7. Cómo conseguir chicas La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros He left behind the minimalism to form a real band with real musicians that could play anything he asked them to. He changed folk music for prog rock. 1. La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros, 2. Películas
Talking Heads One of the most acclaimed bands of the post-punk era, a vision of innovative art-pop featuring David Byrne's manic yelp over tight R&B grooves. 1. Remain in Light, 2. More Songs About Buildings and Food, 3. Fear of Music, 4. Speaking in Tongues, 5. Talking Heads 77, 6. The Name of This Band Is Talking Heads, 7. Little Creatures, 8. True Stories
Bob Dylan Iconic singer/songwriter and musical wanderer who rose to prominence during the '60s folk revival and changed the world of music. 1. The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, 2. Highway 61 Revisited, 3. Blood on the Tracks, 4. Blonde on Blonde, 5. Bringing It All Back Home, 6. John Wesley Harding, 7. The Times They Are A-Changin’, 8. Another Side of Bob Dylan, 9. The Basement Tapes, 10. Desire
Elton John Soulful English singer who moved from simple, sensitive piano rock to become a glamorous music superstar. 1. Blue Moves, 2.. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, 3. Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, 4. Honky Château, 5. Tumbleweed Connection, 6. Madman Across the Water, 7. Elton John, 8. Don't Shoot Me, I'm Only the Piano Player, 9. Caribou
Prince One of the most singular talents in music, a multi-talented pop/funk/rock performer who showed remarkable stylistic growth and musical diversity. 1. Purple Rain, 2. Dirty Mind, 3. Sign 'O' the Times, 4. 1999, 5. Around the World in a Day, 6. The Gold Experience, 7. Controversy, 8. Prince, 9. Parade, 10. The Love Symbol Album
Phil Collins The frontman for Genesis 2.0, with a soulful voice and pop smarts that made him one of the top superstars of the 1980s. 1. No Jacket Required, 2. Face Value, 3. Hello, I Must Be Going
Dire Straits English rockers who created some treasured moments of 1980s rock with Mark Knopfler's tightly executed songs and distinctive finger-plucked guitar. 1. Love Over Gold, 2. Brothers in Arms, 3. Making Movies, 4. Dire Straits, 5. Communiqué, 6. On Every Street
Bruce Springsteen A rock & roll true believer with a poet's heart, the Boss defined mainstream American rock in the late 20th century. 1. Nebraska, 2. Born to Run, 3. Darkness on the Edge of Town, 4. The River, 5. The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle, 6. Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J., 7. Born in the U.S.A., 8. Tunnel of Love, 9. We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions, 10. Tracks
Motörhead Ferocious rock act that brought the concept of the power trio to new heights, attracting a huge following with breakneck speed and deafening volume. 1. Ace of Spades, 2. Overkill, 3. Bomber, 4. Iron Fist, 5. Another Perfect Day, 6. Bastards, 7. Inferno, 8. Orgasmatron, 9. 1916, 10. Motörhead
Iron Maiden At the forefront of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, and a major metal contender from the late '70s into the 21st century. 1. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 2. The Number of the Beast, 3. Powerslave, 4. Piece of Mind, 5. Somewhere in Time, 6. Iron Maiden, 7. Killers, 8. Fear of the Dark, 9. A Matter of Life and Death, 10. Brave New World
Brainbox Part of a vibrant Amsterdam pop music scene in the late sixties with their harder edged blend of psychedelic rock and Chicago blues, Dutch band Brainbox paid hommage to both American and British Contemporaries while at the same time developing their own more progressive brand of pop music. 1. To You, 2. Braibox
The Smiths One of the great bands of the '80s, driven equally by Johnny Marr's dexterous guitar riffs and Morrissey's fiercely witty wordplay. 1. The Queen Is Dead, 2. The Smiths, 3. Meat is Murder, 4. Strangeways, Here We Come, 5. Hatful of Hollow, 6. Louder Than Bombs) Morrissey With the Smiths and solo, a spokesman for millions of the disaffected with his poetic, biting lyrics and theatrical vocals. 1. Your Arsenal, 2. Viva Hate, 3. Vauxhall and I, 4. Bona Drag
U2 Trafficking in big ideas and big sounds, a band that operated on a grander scale than any other from the '80s and attracted legions of devoted fans. 1. Achtung Baby, 2. The Joshua Tree, 3. War, 4. The Unforgettable Fire, 5. Boy, 6. Zooropa, 7. October
Caifanes Pioneering Mexican rock band of the 1980s known for their dark fusion of post-punk, goth, new wave, and Latin and Mexican traditions. 1. Caifanes, Vol. 1, 2. El Diablito, 3. El Nervio del Volcán, 4. El Silencio. Jaguares In 1995, Jaguares was formed out of the skeleton of Califanes, a Mexico City rock group. 1. Bajo el Azul de Tu Misterio, 2. El Equilibrio de Los Jaguares, 3. Cuando la Sangre Galopa, 4. El Primer Instinto, 5. Cronicas de un Laberinto
Héroes del Silencio Spanish band whose musicianship and innovation kick-started the rock en español movement. 1. Senderos de traición, 2. El Mar No Cesa, 3. El Espíritu del Vino, 4. Avalancha, 5. Senda 91’
Soda Stereo One of the seminal bands in the rock en español movement. 1. Dynamo 2. Canción Animal, 3. Signos, 4. Sueño Stereo, 4. Nada Personal, 5. Soda Stereo, 6. Doble Vida, 6. El Ultimo Concierto
Metallica California metal band whose aggressive yet melodic style made them one of the most popular bands of all time. 1. …And Justice for All, 2. Master of Puppets, 3. Kill 'Em All, 4. Metallica 5. Ride the Lightning
Guns N’Roses Best and most influential hard rockers of the 1980s and '90s, a straight-ahead guitar boogie band that often displayed a surprising musical diversity. 1. Appetite for Destruction, 2. Use Your Illusion II, 3. G N' R Lies, 4. Use Your Illusion I
Mötley Crüe Joyously sleazy and stupid, they became one of the top heavy metal bands of the '80s, but garnered more headlines for their infamous antics. 1. Dr. Feelgood, 2. Shout at the Devil, 3. Girls, Girls, Girls, 4. Theatre of Pain, 5. Too Fast for Love
Ozzy Osbourne An instinctive metal showman who gained fame in Black Sabbath and as a solo act with his dramatic flair and a knack for creating controversy. 1. Tribute, 2. Diary of a Madman, 3. Blizzard of Ozz, 4. No More Tears, 5. No Rest for the Wicked, Bark at the Moon
Pearl Jam The prototypical Seattle grunge band, with a driving sound and a long run as one of the most principled and hard-working groups in rock. 1. Ten 2. Vs, 3. Vitalogy, 4. Lost Dogs, 5. MTV Unplugged
Nirvana Second-generation punk's most unlikely success story, a rampaging hard rock trio that influenced countless artists but ended in tragedy 1. Nevermind, 2. In Utero, 3. Bleach, 4. MTV Unplugged In New York (Live Acoustic)
Interpol Enduring post-punk revivalists updating the moody sounds of Joy Division, the Chameleons, and the Smiths for the 21st century. 1. Turn on the Bright Lights, 2. Antics, 3. Marauder, 4. Our Love to Admire, 5. Interpol, 6. El Pintor, 7. The Other Side of Make-Believe
The Black Keys Intense Akron, Ohio blues-soaked duo that began by overwhelming indie rock critics and quickly moved to arena audiences. 1. Rubber Factory, 2. Thickfreakness, 3. Brothers, 4. Attack & Release, 5. El Camino, 6. The Big Come Up, 7. Magic Potion, 8. Turn Blue, 9. Delta Kream, 10. Dropout Boogie
Journey Anthemic arena rock outfit who achieved huge success in the 1970s and '80s thanks to musical prodigy Neal Schon and smooth tenor Steve Perry. 1. Journey, 2. Look into the Future, 3. Next, 4. Escape, 5. Infinity
Pulp Pioneering Brit-pop band known for its stylish sound and vocalist Jarvis Cocker's lyrical obsessions (sexual foibles, working-class misfits). 1. Different Class, 2. His 'n' Hers, 3. This Is Hardcore, 4. We Love Life, 5. Separations
Los Fabulosos Cadillacs 1. Los Fabulosos Calaveras, 2. Rey Azúcar, 3. El Satánico Dr. Cadillac, 4. El León, 5. Yo Te Avisé!!, Bares y Fondas, El Ritmo Mundial, La Marcha del Golazo Solitario, Chau, Hola, Obras Cumbres, La Salvación de Solo y Juan
Maldita Vecindad y Los Hijos del Quinto Patio Mexican musical group, formed in Mexico City in 1985 that fuses rhythms such as rock, ska, reggae, punk and traditional influences of Mexican music such as danzón and bolero. Comprising vocalist Roco, guitarists El Pato and Sax, bassist Aldo, and drummer Pacho. 1. El Circo, 2. Maldita Vecindad y Los Hijos del Quinto Patio
Faces Boozy and bluesy rock & roll band of the '70s, fronted by Rod Stewart and guitarist Ron Wood with a joyous spirit that proved very influential. 1. A Nod Is as Good as a Wink... to a Blind Horse, 2. Ooh La La, 3. Long Player, 4. First Step (1970-1975 You Can Make Me Dance, Sing or Anything)
Bon Jovi One of rock's biggest acts, they bridged the gap between heavy metal and pop with style and ease, remaining consistently popular for decades.1. New Jersey, 2. Slippery When Wet, 3. Keep the Faith, 4. Bon Jovi, 5. 7800° Fahrenheit
Joe Satriani One of the great guitarists of the '80s, a rare shredder whose popularity crossed over from six-string obsessives and into the mainstream. 1. Surfing with the Alien, 2. Time Machine, Vol. 1, 3. Flying In a Blue Dream, 4. The Extremist, 5. Strange Beautiful Music, 6. Crystal Planet
Grand Funk Railroad Michigan-based power trio who became hard rock heroes before scaling the pop charts with "We're an American Band." 1. Grand Funk , 2. We're An American Band, 3. Closer to Home, 4. On Time, 5. E Pluribus Funk, 6. Good Singin' Good Playin’
Queensrÿche Seattle quintet who constructed a progressive form of heavy metal drawing equally from guitar pyrotechnics and art rock. 1. Operation: Mindcrime, 2. Empire, 3. Rage For Order, 4. The Warning, 5. Promised Land
Electric Light Orchestra Creators of high-tech Beatlesque prog-rock in the 1970s, heavy on the synths and strings, influential on later atmospheric pop. 1. El Dorado, 2. On the Third Day, 3. Electric Light Orchestra [Aka: No Answer], 4. Out Of The Blue
Babe Ruth Progressive rock unit formed in Hertfordshire, England in 1971 by singer Janita "Jenny" Haan, guitarist Alan Shacklock 1. Babe Ruth
Spirit Ambitious and acclaimed West Coast psychedelic band that fused hard rock to jazz, blues, country, and folk. 1. Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus, 2. Clear, 3. The Family That Plays Together, 4. Spirit
Lenny White Influential jazz fusion drummer and Return to Forever member who has played with Miles Davis, Chaka Khan, Al Di Meola, and countless others. 1. The Adventures Of Astral Pirates, 2. Venusian Summer, 3. The Griffith Park Collection
10cc Quirky '70s British hitmakers with a refined sense of songcraft and a balance between rock and smooth pop. 1. The Original Soundtrack, 2. How Dare You! 3. Sheet Music
Ambrosia The musicians were inspired by the progressive rock era, and developed a large regional following for their inventive musicianship and skillful arranging. 1. Ambrosia, 2. Somewhere I've Never Travelled
Styx The rare art rock band with commercial success, capable of producing monster hits with stadium rock, sweeping power ballads, and concept albums. 1. The Grand Illusion, 2. Pieces of Eight
Tangerine Dream Innovative Berlin group whose pioneering synthesizer and sequencer work helped found the new age of popular ambient and electronica. 1. Rubycon, 2. Phaedra, 3. Stratosfear, 4. Force Majeure, 5. Tangram, 6. Exit, 7. Encore, 8. Logos, 9. White Eagle, 10. Hyperborea
Osibisa Anybody who listens this band admires the fantastic rhythm section, combining drums and bass with tribal percussion instruments in a delightful way 1. Osibisa, 2. Boyaya
Los Jaivas This Chilean band offers one of the most interesting blends of folk and symphonic rock. 1. Los Jaivas 2. Alturas de Macchu Picchu
I.Q. Prolific British progressive rock band active since the early '80s. 1. The Road of Bones, 2. Ever, 3. Subterranea, 4. The Wake, 5. The Seventh House, 6. Tales from the Lush Attic, 7. Dark Matter, 8. Frequency, 9. Resistance
Deep Purple. Progressive rock giants who made hard rock a fine art, and unleashed some of the greatest guitar riffs known to the world. 1. Machine World, 2. Deep Purple in Rock, 3. Burn, 4. Fireball, 5. Perfect Strangers, 6. Deep Purple, 7. Stormbringer, 8. Shades of Deep Purple
Isotope The more-jazz-than-rock fusion band Isotope may have not had the longest career, but they played an integral part in the Canterbury Scene with some of its key players spending time in the band. 1. Illusion, 2. Isotope, 3. Deep End
Ramones Seminal punk rockers who lit up the mid-'70s New York City scene by stripping rock & roll to the basics. 1. Rocket to Russia, 2. Leave Home, 3. Ramones, 4. Road to Ruin, 5. Too Tough to Die, 6. End of the Century, 7. Pleasant Dreams
The Clash The best and most accomplished punk band, critically important provocateurs influenced by reggae, rockabilly, and blues. 1. London Calling, 2. The Clash, 3. Give 'Em Enough Rope, 4. Sandinista!
Jane’s Addiction Alternative rock band fronted by Perry Farrell, who became era icons at the turn of the 1990s with their distinctive sound and style. 1. Nothing's Shocking, 2. Jane's Addiction, 3. Ritual de lo Habitual
AC/DC One of the defining acts of '70s hard rock, driven by the bazooka roar of the Young brothers' twin guitars and Bon Scott's snarling vocals. 1. Back in Black, 2. Highway to Hell, 3. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, 4. Let There Be Rock, 5. High Voltage, 6. Powerage, 7. If You Want Blood You've Got It
Portishead Bristol outfit that popularized trip-hop with liberal doses of cool jazz and spy soundtracks, featuring the angelic vocals of Beth Gibbons. 1. Dummy, 2. Portishead, 3. Third, 4. Roseland NYC Live, 4. Third
Blue Effect. Lead by ace guitarist Radim Hladík, BLUE EFFECT were one of the major progressive bands in Czechoslovakia; they were to their own country what OMEGA were to Hungary, or SBB to Poland. 1. Svitanie, 2. Svět Hledačů, 3. 33 .
New Order Seminal British alternative act, formed from the ashes of Joy Division, that transitioned from moody rock to extroverted dance. 1. Movement, 2. Power Corruption and Lies 3. Low-Life
Iggy Pop Punk godfather who began shocking in the late '60s, influencing and outlasting practically every punk movement to come. 1. Lust For Life, 2. The Idiot, 3. Raw Power, 4. Kill City, 5. New Values, 6. Fun House, 7. Brick by Brick, 8. American Caesar
Steve Vai Fleet-fingered guitar hero who worked with Frank Zappa, David Lee Roth, and Whitesnake as well as recording solo. 1. Passion and Warfare, 2. Flex-Able, 3. The Ultra Zone, 4. Fire Garden
Skid Row One of the very last pop-metal bands to hit the mainstream before grunge took over in the early '90s. 1. Skid Row, 2. Slave to the Grind
Scorpions German band who blew in with the first wave of '70s heavy metal, then stuck around for decades while unleashing many a classic anthem. 1. Taken by Force, 2. Lovedrive, 3. Love at First Sting, 4. In Trance, 5. Blackout, 6. Crazy World, 7. Virgin Killer
Aerosmith Boston quintet that epitomized '70s sleaze, but then had a remarkably sober comeback in the '80s that eclipsed their down-and-dirty heyday. 1. Toys in the Attic, 2. Rocks, 3. Pump, 4. Get Your Wings, 5. Permanent Vacation, 6. Aerosmith, 7. Draw the Line, 8. Get a Grip
DIO Classic heavy metal band formed by Ronnie James Dio, headbanging icon and perennial frontman (Elf, Rainbow, Black Sabbath). 1. The Last in Line, 2. Dream Evil, 3. Magica, 4. Holy Diver, 5. Strange Highways
Tom Petty A seminal figure in rock & roll who distinctively fused American rock & roll and British Invasion pop with his band the Heartbreakers. 1. Damn the Torpedoes, 2. Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, 3. Hard Promises, 4. Full Moon Fever, 5. Wildflowers, 6. An American Treasure, 7. Echo, 8. Hypnotic Eye
Warren Zevon A hard-edged singer/songwriter with a sensitive side, one of the great chroniclers of Los Angeles in the '70s. 1. Excitable Boy, 2. Warren Zevon, 3. Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School, 4. Life´ll Kill Ya, 5. Sentimental Hygiene , 6. Preludes: The Rare Unreleased Recordings, 7. The Wind
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble formed the most impressive blues act of the 1980s, which made Vaughan's death in a helicopter crash at the start of the '90s all the more tragic 1. Texas Flood, 2. In Step, 3. The Sky is Crying, 4. Couldn't Stand the Weather, 5. Soul to Soul
Atomic Rooster Hard-rocking English band formed in 1969 at the height of the U.K. progressive rock boom. 1. Death Walks Behind You, 2. Atomic Rooster, 3. Made in England, 4. In Hearing of Atomic Rooster
Sleep Northern California pioneers of stoner rock and doom metal who chose to disband rather than compromise their aesthetic with their label. 1. Dopesmoker, 2. Sleep's Holy Mountain, 3. The Sciences
Slayer The early thrash metal band with the most continued vitality and the least risk of compromise, with graphic lyrics wedded to powerful musical chops. 1. Reign of Blood, 2. South of Heaven, 3. Seasons In the Abyss, 4.Hell Awaits, 5. Show no Mercy
Pantera One of the preeminent bands of the '90s, whose brutal groove metal influenced a generation. 1. Vulgar Display of Power, 2. Cowboys from Hell, 3. The Great Southern Trendkill, 4. Far Beyond Driven
Van Halen One of the best and most popular American hard rock/heavy metal bands, primarily distinguished by the fleet fingers of guitarist Eddie 1. Van Halen, 2. 1984, 3. Woman and Children First, 4. Van Halen II, 5. Fair Warning, 6. Diver Down, 7. 5150
W.A.S.P. L.A. metal outfit who rose to infamy in the 1980s thanks to their shock rock image, lyrics, and outrageous live concerts. 1. The Headless Children, 2. W.A.S.P., 3. The Crimson Idol, 4. The Last Command, 5. Inside the Electric Circus
Candlemass Swedish quintet whose dirge-like, sustain-laden guitar riffing made them pioneers of the doom metal genre. 1. Nightfall, 2. Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, 3. Ancient Dreams, 4. Tales of Creation, 5. Candlemass, 6. Death Magic Doom, 7. King of the Grey Islands
Def Leppard Stadium rock perennials whose catchy, guitar-driven, power pop/rock was one of the most imitated styles of the '80s. 1. Pyromania, 2. Hysteria, 3. High 'N' Dry
Eagles Among the best-selling artists of the 1970s, first at the forefront of the country-rock movement, later by producing soft rock and album rock. 1. Hotel California, 2. One of These Nights, 3. Desperado, 4. The Long Run, 5. Eagles, 6. Hell Freezes Over, 7. On the Border
The Who An explosive combo that pioneered progressive and arena rock, each new sound increasing their influence and legacy. 1. Who's Next, 2. Quadrophenia, 3. The Who Sell Out, 4. The Who Sings My Generation, 5. Tommy, 6. A Quick One, 7. The Who by Numbers, 8. It’s Hard, 9. Just One Night
B.B. King One of the most important electric guitarists in history, whose bent notes and staccato picking style influenced legions to come. 1. Live at the Regal, 2. King of Blues, 3. Live in Cook Country Jail, 4. The Blues, 5. Indianola Mississippi Seeds, 6. Completely Well, 7. Live & Well, 8. Blues on the Bayou, 9. Lucille, 10. Singin’ the Blues
Eric Clapton A rock guitar legend who, in addition to a distinguished solo career, collaborated with countless artists and played in many classic bands. 1. Eric Clapton, 2. 461 Ocean Boulevard, 3. Slowhand, 4. Journeyman, 5. Riding with the King, 6. MTV Unplugged, 7. From the Cradle, 8. Pilgrim, 9. Just One Night, 10. Clapton
Frank Sinatra One of the towering figures of the 20th century, the first teen idol and the definitive saloon singer, the latter exemplified on a series of '50s concept albums. 1. Watertown, 2. Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely, 3. No One Cares, 4. September of My Years, 5. In the Wee Small Hours, 6. Songs for Swingin' Lovers! 7. A Swingin' Affair!, 8. Where Are You? 9. Come Fly With Me 10. Duets
Queen Larger-than-life British arena-glam rockers who mastered the art of the pop single, led by the incomparable Freddie Mercury. 1. A Night At The Opera, 2. Queen II, 3. Sheer Heart Attack, 4. A Day At The Races, 5.Queen, 6. Jazz, 7. News of the World, 8. The Game
Edge of Sanity Swedish extreme metal band which was among the first to fuse death and black metal with progressive rock. 1. Purgatory Afterglow 2. The Spectral Sorrows 3. Crimson
Megadeth One of the most popular and important thrash metal bands, led by Dave Mustaine, with strong social and political messages throughout their music. 1. Rust In Peace, 2. Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?, 3. Countdown to Extinction, 4. Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good!, 5. So Far, So Good... So What!
Björk. Iconic Icelander whose unique sonic adventurousness has extended to pop, jazz, electronica, and beyond. 1. Vespertine, 2. Homogenic, 3. Post, 4. Debut, 5. Vulnicura, 6. Vulnicura Strings, 7. Medúlla
Joe Cocker Gravel-voiced vocalist whose animated live shows, especially at Woodstock, made him a legend in soul circles. 1. Mad Dogs & Englishmen, 2. With a Little Help from My Friends, 3. Joe Cocker!
Accept One of Germany's earliest and best speed metal bands, their brutal riffs and aggressive tempos exemplified on the 1983 smash "Balls to the Wall." 1. Balls to the Wall, 2. Restless and 3. Wild, Metal Heart, 4. Breaker, 5. Russian Roulette
El Tri Mexican el Tri started playing in the late '60s under the name of Three Souls in My Mind, singing in the English language until they released their third album. The group has sold more than 30 million records in its career and has had five nominations for the Grammy Award. 1. 40 años Vol. 1 &2, 2. En Vivo en la Cárcel de Santa Martha, 3. Sinfónico 1,2,3
Maneige Their music is probably one of the best example of what Fusion music can be by blending in classical and folk elements together with jazz tones the whole thing having a very progressive rock ideal and could also fit the chamber rock style. 1. Les porches, 2. Maneige, 3. Ni Vent... Ni Nouvelle, 4. Libre Service - Self Service
Cluster has recorded many albums of ambitious, pre-ambient electronic music with gorgeous synth arrangements, a groovy tone and a constant sense of melody. 1. Cluster, 2. Cluster II, 3. Zuckerzeit, 4. Sowiesoso
Lee Ritenour A prolific session player and musical chameleon, a guitarist whose speed, facility, phrasing, and technique are always flawless. 1. Captain Fingers, 2. The Captain's Journey, 3. Larry & Lee, Alive in L.A., 4. This is Love
Fobia Mexican alternative pop/rock pioneer Fobia made their debut with the release of a self-titled album in 1990, featuring "Microbito," the band's first hit. 1. Fobia, 2. Mundo Feliz, 3. Leche, 4. Amor Chiquito, Rosa Venus
Maná Latin rock stars from Mexico who are one of the best-selling recording and touring acts in Latin music history. 1. Falta Amor, 2. ¿Dónde Jugarán los Niños?, 3. Sueños Líquidos
Oasis Enduringly popular Manchester rockers who stood at the vanguard of the Brit-pop movement. 1. Definitely Maybe, 2. (What's the Story) Morning Glory?, 3. Be Here Now, 4. Dig Out Your Soul
José José Popular and enduring Mexican vocalist whose repertoire encompassed rancheras, mariachis, boleros, bossas, pop, and rock. 1. José José 25 Años, Vol. 1&2, 2. 20 Triunfadoras. Songs: Vamos a Darnos Tiempo, 40 y 20. Popular and enduring Mexican vocalist whose repertoire encompassed rancheras, mariachis, boleros, bossas, pop, and rock.
Café Tacvba At the forefront of the Rock en Español movement, the band mixes rock, punk, electronics, and the occasional traditional Mexican flavoring. 1. Café Tacvba, 2. Re, 3. Cuatro Caminos, 4. Jen Beibi, 5. El Objeto Antes Llamado Disco
Tame Impala Australian indie rockers who channel crunchy '60s psych, trippy pop and modern electronics to deliver a much in-demand sound. 1, Lonerism, 2. Innerspeaker, 3. Currents, 4. The Slow Rush
Coldplay Earnest alternative pop group whose sweet melodies and swooning lyrics made them one of the biggest bands of the new millennium. 1. X&Y, 2. A Rush of Blood to the Head, 3. Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, 4. Parachutes
Luis Miguel The Mexican Frank Sinatra and most successful pop singer in Latin America who also sang succesfully rancheras and boleros. 1. Romance, 2. 20 años, 3. Segundo romance, 4. Aries, 5. Romances, 6. Busca una Mujer, 7. Soy como Quiero Ser, 8. Decídete, 9. El Concierto, 10. Palabra de Honor
Hombres G Quintessential Spanish pop band of the 1980s, famous for their catchy melodies and hilarious, deliberately juvenile lyrics. 1. La Cagaste... Burt Lancaster, 2. Hombres G
Helloween Innovative German group whose vision of high-speed power metal made them one of the prime European rock bands to emerge in the '80s. 1. Keeper of the Seven Keys Part II, 2. Keeper of the Seven Keys Part I, 3. Walls of Jericho, 4. The Time of the Oath, 5. The Dark Ride
Kiss Garish glam rockers with anthems galore, who became rock legends with a reputation for incredible live shows. 1. Alive!, 2. Destroyer, 3. Dressed to Kill, 4. Kiss, 5. Love Gun, 6. Hotter than Hell, 7. Creatures of the Night, 8. Ace Frehley, 9. Rock and Roll Over
Level 42 English band whose blend of smooth jazz, sophisticated pop, and funk topped the British charts during the 1980s and '90s. 1. The Early Tapes, 2. Level 42, 3. The Persuit Of Accidents, 4. Standing In The Light
Great Albums and Compilations
Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols by Sex Pistols. Outspoken, outrageous, and groundbreaking band who put British punk on the map and made it a global phenomenon.
The Best of James by James. Long-running Manchester alternative pop band with reflective, intellectual lyrics and winning melodies.
Grave Dancers Union by Soul Asylum. Long-running Minneapolis-based pop/punk/rock band and longtime cult favorites who found mainstream success in the '90s.
Poison's Greatest Hits 1986-1996 by Poison. The definitive hair band of the '80s, with a long string of pop-metal hits to go along with their highly visual approach to rock & roll.
Bat Out of Hell I&II by Meat Loaf A one-man rock opera responsible for such epics as "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" and "I Would Do Anything for Love."
Still by Pete Sinfield. Probably the best lyricist ever. Nobody has been able to transmit such intense emotions with words. Only his first work, "In The Court Of The Crimson King" deserves this title.
Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys. One of the most influential acts of the rock era, purveyors of both infectious surf music and sophisticated baroque/psychedelic pop.
The Best of Elvis Costello: The First 10 Years by Elvis Costello. The most evocative, innovative, and gifted songwriter since Bob Dylan, with songs that offered highly personal takes on love and politics.
The Immediate Years CD 1-3 by The Nice. U.K. band who started as an R&B outfit but went on to pioneer progressive rock and art rock while adding classical influences.
Bullfrog by Bullfrog. Their brand of krautrock, featuring mostly guitar and some mean organ play, is rather melodious and a bit reminiscent of German art rockers JANE
YS by Il Balleto Di Bronzo. Despite avoiding the fate of many other Italian progressive bands of releasing one album and splitting up (they managed two) they still suffered from a lack of interest, the reason cited by some that they were too advanced for the time, which ultimately led to a split in 1973.
Best of Michael Hedges by Michael Hedges. Accomplished American guitarist and composer, with a highly individual folk/new age-based style, died tragically young.
Krásná Hora by Blank Manuskript. Art Rock project from Salzburg, Austria. Typical long songs ornamented with a high level of symphonic density and elaborate polyphonic structures as well as extended improvised sections lead their audience through an entire musical adventure.
Palepoli by Osanna. Classic seventies Italian prog. The basis of their sound is original heavy guitar rock often in combination with amazing flute solos.
Stained Glass Stories by Cathedral. The roots of CATHEDRAL lie in a psychedelic band called Odyssey. When that band broke up in 1975, bassist Fred Callan, and mellotronist Tom Doncourt ventured on to form CATHEDRAL
The House on the Hill by Audience. British art-rock unit Audience was formed in London in 1969 by singer/guitarist Howard Werth, saxophonist Keith Gemmell, bassist Trevor Williams, and percussionist Tony Connor.
Music in a Doll's House by Family. Influential British psychedelic band who evolved into prog-rockers in the 1970s.
Blind Melon by Blind Melon. Neo-hippie alternative rockers from Mississippi best known for the 1992 hit "No Rain" and lead singer Shannon Hoon's fatal overdose.
Purple by Stone Temple Pilots. Multi-platinum hard rockers who brought grunge to the stadium crowd, thanks to Dean DeLeo's guitar talents and the melodic flair of Scott Weiland.
The Best of What's Around, Vol. 1 by Dave Matthews Band. A vibrant multiracial band with a wide instrumental range, they shot to pop and alternative fame in the 1990s.
The Very Best of the Million Dollar Quartet (Original and Complete Recording Sessions) by The Million Dollar Quartet. One-off 1956 jam session featuring Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash, noted as a seminal moment in rock history.
Men in Black: The Best of Johnny Cash by Johnny Cash. Part rockabilly rebel, part campfire storyteller, part outlaw in black, his hearty baritone has remained the essence of country music.
Elvis Presley by Elvis Presley. A music and film icon whose natural blend of country, pop, and R&B sold millions and became the cornerstone of rock & roll.
The Very Best of Chicago: Only the Beginning by Chicago. One of the most popular rock groups of the 1970s and '80s, initially built on the foundation of a prominent horn section.
Goin’ 50 by ZZ Top. Texas trio that specialized in down-and-dirty blues-rock during the '70s, then scored colorful MTV hits during the 1980s.
Box of Pearls: The Janis Joplin Collection by Janis Joplin. Legendary blues-rock belter with a brash, uncompromising vocal style and tremendous lasting influence, despite dying young.
Experimental Essentials by Edgard Varése. Composer Varèse is widely regarded as a pioneer of electronic music, who changed the face of 20th century music in revolutionary ways.
Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring by Los Angeles Philharmonic & Esa-Pekka Salonen and composed by Igor Stravinsky. Stravinsky established his reputation with three groundbreaking ballets: L'oiseau de feu, Petrushka, and Le Sacre du printemps.
The Complete Music of Anton by Robert Craft and composed by Anton Webern. Anton Webern (1883-1945) was a modernist Austrian composer and a member of what is called the Second Viennese School.
Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra - Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta by Brussels Philharmonic & Alexander Rahbari and composed & Sonata for 2 Pianos and Percussion by Alfons Kontarsky, Christoph Castle & Heinz Konig by Béla Bartók. Bartók was a Hungarian composer, pianist, ethnomusicologist, and teacher whose impact on modern music was immense.
At Fillmore East (Deluxe Edition) by The Allman Brothers Band. Blending rock, blues, country, and jazz, the godfathers of Southern rock in all its wild, woolly glory.
The Essential Leonard Cohen by Leonard Cohen. Cerebral yet sensual Canadian poet, novelist, and singer/songwriter who is recognized as one of the greatest lyricists of all time.
Greatest Hits, Volume I & Volume II by Billy Joel. New York City piano man whose driving rock, often with a cabaret twist, gained near-universal appeal in the 1970s and '80s.
Karigan Time - Single by Karigan
Legend: The Best of Bob Marley and the Wailers by Bob Marley & the Wailers. The reggae artist with the greatest impact in history, who introduced Jamaican music to the world and changed the face of global pop music.
The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Rick Wakeman. Classically trained keyboardist extraordinaire who plied his trade with Yes and developed his own brand of live spectacular in a solo act.
Voyage of the Acolyte by Steve Hackett. Progressive rock guitarist best known for his 1970s stint in Genesis, although he wandered in and out of many top bands.
Dedication: The Very Best of Thin Lizzy by Thin Lizzy. One of Ireland's greatest rock bands, distinguished by a signature twin-guitar roar and Phil Lynott's workingman's poetry.
Retrospective: The Best of Buffalo Springfield by Buffalo Springfield. Short-lived but star-studded band of the '60s who made a massive impact on the entire California sound, from country-rock to folk-rock.
Gold by Cinderella. One of the major hair metal bands of the '80s.
Gold: Cream by Cream. The first and best power trio, whose brand of highly amplified, free-form playing took blues and rock in new directions.
Greatest Hits by Boston. Classic rockers who sold millions during the 1970s and '80s with their vision of prog-rock, immaculately produced and featuring killer hooks.
The Essential Toto by Toto. Soft rock stars, formed by session musicians David Paich and Steve Porcaro, who neatly defined 1982 with the smash hits "Rosanna" and "Africa."
Should God Forget: A Retrospective by The Psychedelic Furs. New Wave icons whose regal sound grew out of Bowie-style art rock and gloomy post-punk to become unmistakably their own.
iCollection by La Ley. This all-male Chilean pop group has alternated between experimental and highly commercial.
Lynyrd Skynyrd by Lynyrd Skynyrd. The definitive Southern rock band, fusing the overdriven power of blues-rock with a rebellious Southern image and a hard rock swagger.
Chronicle: The 20 Greatest Hits by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Behind the vision of leader John Fogerty, the band created a unique synthesis of punchy rock & roll, swamp pop, blues, and country.
Mascara and Monsters: The Best of Alice Cooper by Alice Cooper. Pioneers of heavy rock and masters of shock rock in the early '70s, whose titular lead singer became a successful solo artist.
Greatest Hits (The One & Only) by Billy Idol. British punk and pop icon of the '80s who first made his name with Generation X and later became one of MTV's leading hitmakers.
A Drum Is a Woman: The Best of Peter Giger by Peter Giger's Family of Percussion. Peter Giger is one of those musicians who bears within himself the mystery of rhythm. This percussionist, whose contribution ranks with those of Max Roach and Art Blakey as well as with greats of free jazz like Archie Shepp, gave a concert in Dakar.
Back to Black by Amy Winehouse. Acclaimed English neo-soul singer who gained fame with her distinctively jazzy vocals, rugged charm, and deeply personal songwriting.
The Ultimate Collection by Sade. Stylish jazz, R&B, and pop synthesists whose six studio albums, from Diamond Life through Soldier of Love, have gone platinum in the U.K. and U.S.
Tell the World: The Very Best of Ratt by Ratt. Aqua-netted glam metal band from the 1980s, who infused their brand of hard rock with serious pop hooks.
I Got Eyes & Oh Baby by Johnny Guitar Watson. Texas-born guitarist who was a celebrated blues artist before scoring hits in a funky R&B style, and an influence on Jimi Hendrix and Frank Zappa.
Sufferin' Mind by Guitar Slim. First truly outrageous blues performer of the modern era, had lasting hit with "The Things That I Used To Do."
7even Year Itch: Collective Soul's Greatest Hits 1994-2001 by Collective Soul. Georgia-based post-grunge band that rode strong hooks to the charts in the '90s and beyond.
Azteca by Azteca. Azteca was a large Latin rock band founded by percussionist Coke Escovedo ), formerly of Santana, in San Francisco in early 1972.
Bantam to Behemoth by Birds and Buildings. Dan Britton (keyboards, guitars) is known already for his previous bands CEREBUS EFFECT and DELUGE GRANDER. Here he has created another project with Malcolm McDuffie (drums, trumpet, viola), Brian Falkowski (saxes, flute clarinet) and Brett d'Anon (bass, guitar) which plays on Deluge Grander as well.
The Form of the Good by Deluge Grander. It was after CEREBUS EFFECT's third release, Acts Of Deception that Dan Britton (keyboards, vocals and some guitars) approached Patrick Gaffney (drums) and suggested they form a new group together.
White Buffalo by Crown Lands. Canadian two-man band who generate a big, bold sound informed by classic rock.
Office of Strategic Influence by OSI. O.S.I. (stands for: Office Of Strategic Influence) was originally conceived as a side Project of talented guitarist and songwriter JIM MATHEOS (FATES WARNING).
Todd Rundgren's Utopia by Utopia. UTOPIA was initially an ensemble, formed by Todd RUNDGREN as a counter-point to his solo work.
White by White. Alan WHITE drummer of YES, latest musical project is the band 'WHITE', a brand new rock band with top-class musicians.
La Invasión de los Blatidos by Cuca. Mexican rock en español pioneers la Cuca enjoy cult status and a grassroots fan base that would make any major-label pop star green with envy.
¿Dónde Jugarán las Niñas? by Molotov. Mexican group creates witty rap-infused hard rock (en espanol), at times playful, at times politically charged.
Mucho Barato by Control Machete. Mexican Latin rap group Control Machete burst into the local rock and rap scene in the mid-'80s, making its debut with the release of Mucho Barato in July of 1997.
The Collection by Alanis Morissette. Award-winning Canadian singer/songwriter who weaves alt-rock angst and pop sensibility on deeply poetic confessionals.
Time's Makin Changes: The Best of Tesla by Tesla. Blues-based hard rock band marked by smart songwriting who rose to fame during the Hair Metal boom of the 1980s and '90s.
Bestie Boys Music & Anthology: The Sound of Science by Beastie Boys. A trio of punks turned sophomoric rappers, who then traded superstar status for increasingly adventurous and acclaimed hip-hop.
Space Shanty by Khan. Short-lived Canterbury Scene art-rock band founded by Steve Hillage.
Casablanca Moon / Desperate Straights by Slap Happy. SLAPP HAPPY was a multinational (specifically British/German) Avant-garde pop group consisting of Anthony MOORE (keyboards), Peter BLEGVAD (guitar) and Dagmar KRAUSE (vocals).
Mainstream by Quiet Sun.They were a short-lived, British Jazz-Rock combo. Their line-up included Phil Manzanera (of Roxy Music fame) on guitar.
Gilgamesh & Another Fine Tune You’ve Got Me Into by Gilgamesh. British prog rock/jazz fusion ensemble led by keyboard player Alan Gowen.
Maggot Brain by Funkadelic. The alter ego of Parliament played hard rock and psychedelic funk, also tackling social issues from racial conflict to government corruption.
The Very Best Of Cat Stevens by Cat Stevens. Acoustic-based hitmaker who became one of the most popular singer/songwriters of the '70s thanks to his invariably catchy material.
The Very Best of Sting & The Police by Sting & The Police. British rock trio with an innovative rock/reggae fusion, superb songwriting, and crossover appeal that shot them straight to international stardom.
The Essential Cyndi Lauper by Cyndi Lauper. Musical and MTV sensation during the '80s with a colorful image and a bevy of hits, including the pop-feminist "Girls Just Want to Have Fun."
Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael by George Michael. A talented songwriter and performer with a distinctive, soft voice whose post-disco dance-pop made him a superstar in the 1980s and '90s.
The Immaculate Collection by Madonna. The definitive singles artist of the video age and a pop icon, one of the most commercially successful artists in music history.
Thriller by Michael Jackson. The biggest pop star of the '80s, and one of the most popular artists of all time, with a brilliant, soulful voice and breathtaking dance moves.
Rule the World: The Greatest Hits by Tears for Fears. The most thoughtful and tuneful of any British synth pop group, with several international hits during the '80s.
Greatest by Duran Duran. Fashion-forward synth pop group with lush arrangements and visual appeal that made them MTV favorites during the '80s.
The Best of Depeche Mode, Vol. 1 by Depeche Mode. English electronic pioneers who evolved from '80s pop roots into enduring international synth-rock icons.
Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più by Locanda Delle Fate. Initially, the band was a trio formed by Boero, Mazzoglio, and Gardino with some influence from Emerson, Lake & Palmer, but more classic.
Toy Matinee by Toy Matinee. Known primarily for moving on to bigger things, Patrick Leonard (producer for Madonna, Elton John, and Jewel) and Kevin Gilbert (Grammy-winning songwriter for Sheryl Crow) formed the progressive-pop studio band
Vinnie Colaiuta by Vinnie Colaiuta. The Prince of polyrhythms developed by Frank Zappa who could play literally anything at the throne.
Tapestry by Carole King. Wove the multi-million-selling Tapestry, which marked the peak of the 1970s singer/songwriter movement, as well as her remarkably diverse career.
Gold by Barry White. Long-time session producer who made himself a featured attraction in the '70s with salacious soul ballads and romantic disco hits.
True Genius by Ray Charles. A brilliant, towering musical figure who through his singing and piano playing helped invent soul and R&B music.
Colección, 1985-1998 by Duncan Dhu. Pop-meets-rockabilly group Duncan Dhu were formed in San Sebastian in 1984 by musicians Mikel Erentxun, Diego Vasallo, and Juan Ramon Viles.
Musique du monde: Mexique - Sones Jarochos de Veracruz & La Negra Graciana Sones Jarochos con el Trío Silva by Graciana Silva Garcia. Coming from a family of musicians, from a very young age Graciana had contact with “Veracruzian” music. His father was a jaranero, his mother sang and improvised verses, his brother Pino Silva plays the jarana, the violin and sings (he was part of his group of musicians) and some of his uncles are also harpists.
La Historia de un Ídolo, Vol. 1 & 2 by Vicente Fernández. Iconic figure in Mexican musical history, known as El Rey de la Música Ranchera.
Grandes Éxitos by Martín Urieta. Iconic Mexican Composer of “Música Ranchera,” whose music fits very well at Cantinas.
Muy Dentro de Mi Corazón by Alejandro Fernandez. Son of ranchera legend Vicente Fernandez known for his own successful recordings of traditional Mexican music and contemporary Latin pop.
Intimamente; Songs: Pobre Diablo, La Chica de Humo by Emmanuel. Popular Mexican ballad singer who draws from R&B and gospel as well as Latin forms
Las 100 Clásicas, Vol. 1&2 by José Alfredo Jiménez. The undisputed king of ranchera, and a national hero in Mexico.
Madrugada by Madrugada. This italian band from Bergamo was formed around 1970 and lasted until 1978.
Depois do Fim by Bacamarte. A rich and symphonic music with wonderful keyboards and a very nice flute which enlightens the compositions full of interest and detours.
On Land and In the Sea by Cardiacs. Eccentric U.K. indie rockers whose cassette-only releases and oddball performances built them a 1980s cult following.
Plays Standards by Ground Zero. Ground Zero was formed by Otomo Yoshihide in the Fall of 1990. Bassist Kato Hideki is another founding member of this Japanese improvised noise rock group.
Zarathustra - EP by Museo Rosenbach. Museo Rosenbach was formed in the early '70s in Italy. The group's debut, Zarathustra, was released to critical acclaim in 1973.
Obscura by Gorguts. An influential Canadian technical death metal outfit fronted by Luc Lemay.
Rock Bottom by Robert Wyatt. Former Soft Machine drummer and vocalist who merged the avant-garde with English eccentricity.
A Drop of Light by All Traps On Earth. It's a simple bass note written on a Fender Rhodes piano that started everything. Thomas played a big role in the songwriting and the production and with his playing skills.
Second Life Syndrome by Riverside. Riverside was formed almost by accident, when two of its members, the guitarist Piotr Grudziñski and the drummer Piotr Kozieradzki, listened to Marillion in Kozieradzki's car back in 2001.
Maxophone by Maxophone. MAXOPHONE achieved a late cult status among prog rock fan because of their well crafted music, solid musical expertise and precisely cut arrangements.
We’ll Talk About It Later by Nucleus. If SOFT MACHINE was a rock group that veered towards jazz rock, NUCLEUS can be seen as a jazz group that veered towards jazz rock.
Mahandini by Dewa Budjana. Dewa BUDJANA is a guitarist and composer from Waikabubak. Influenced by both popular music as the leader and songwriter of the band GIGI and jazz rock from his earlier background,
Niemen, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 by Niemen. He recorded "Dziwny jest ten świat" (Strange Is This World) as a major Polish protest song in 1967, and was an early pioneer of psychedelic music in communist Poland in the late 60's.
Síntesis (feat. Jorge Migoya, Juan Carlos Ricci & Julio Alberto Cusmai) by Síntesis. SINTESIS were an obscure jazz rock group which released one instrumental album in 1976 before a military coup in the country stopped their further activities.
Zabumbe-bum-á by Hermeto Pascoal. He plays Acoustic Piano,Fender Rhodes, Recorder, Clavinet, Soprano Sax, Flutes and Acoustic Guitar. Multi instrumentalist and good at them all.
It's OK to Listen to the Gray Voice by Jan Garbarek. Garbarek is a tenor and soprano saxophonist, active in the jazz, classical, and world music genres from Norway.
F♯ A♯ ∞ by Godspeed You! Black Emperor is an experimental nine-piece that specializes in semi-avant-garde instrumental music of haunting beauty.
Ágætis Byrjun by Sigur Rós. Pioneering Icelandic post-rockers whose uniquely dreamlike, slow-motion sound is popular with shoegazers and filmmakers.
Hex by Bark Psychosis. Bark Psychosis gave the world Post-Rock. Formed in 1986, when the members were about only 14, they took from experimental innovators such as Sonic Youth and Joy Division.
Fish Rising by Steve Hillage. Veteran British guitarist who has greatly influenced space rock, prog, ambient, and techno throughout his lengthy career.
Grandes Éxitos by Mecano. The top-selling Spanish pop act of the 1980s thanks to their pioneering, melodic brand of tecno-pop and Ana Torroja's delicate voice.
Edge of Time by DOM. Dom is a quartet formed by a multi-national musical collective (with members from Germany and Hungary). The music reaches the listener into a space, acoustic "trip" dominated by guitars and percussions.
Känguru - EP by Guru Guru. A free form jazz mentality, avoiding musical clichés and commercialism, has always characterized the music and philosophies of German freak `n roll band GURU GURU
Electric Silence by DZYAN. Ethnic/kraut jazz quintet
Toxicity by System Of A Down. Armenian-American alt-metal band that topped charts without diluting their politically charged messages.
Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of The Worlds by Jeff Wayne. Keyboardist and writer and producer of off-beat musicals.
Facelift by Alice In Chains. Giants of the '90s grunge scene who epitomized the heavy Seattle sound and distinguished themselves via their roots in uncompromising heavy metal.
Stand By by Heldon. Led by guitarist Richard Pinhas, the French group Heldon released seven groundbreaking albums, melding electronic and rock forms, from 1974 to 1978.
Weidorje by Weidorje. Formed in 1977 by two ex-MAGMA members, Bernard Paganotti and Patrick Gauthier (also keyboardist for HELDON, a group that featured Richard Pinhas)
Szobel by Hermann Szobel. An Austrian pianist/composer Hermann SZOBEL, born in 1958 and given lessons in classical piano in Vienna, has appeared on the stage as a jazz pianist apparently influenced by Martial Solal, Keith Jarrett, or so.
Si Todo Hiciera Crack by Crack. Their only album "Si Todo Hiciera Crack" ('80) from CRACK is one of the jewels of the Spanish progressive Rock. It contains seven tracks, all with a beautiful harmony between keyboards, guitar and flute.
Deluxe by Harmonia. Influential Krautrock trio formed by members of Neu! and Cluster.
Song of the Marching Children by Earth & Fire. This top notch had their pinnacle during the early Seventies when they delivered some outstanding 24 carat symphonic rock albums.
Diez Años de Rock en tu Idioma by Various Artists. Homage to the “Rock en Español” movement from the 80s and 90s in Latin America.
Grandes Éxitos con Tuba Acordeón y Guitarra Vol. 1&2 and Antología Musical by Valentin Elizalde. Popular Mexican banda singer, son of Lalo "El Gallo" Elizalde
En Concierto Vol 1 &2, Tú Última Canción, Mi vida eres Tú by Los Temerarios. Latin group are dedicated to the presentation of the more romantic elements of Mexican ranchera music.
A 18' del Sol by Spinetta. From Latin pop/rock to fusion and for more than two decades singer/songwriter and guitarist Luis Alberto Spinetta participated in some of the most interesting alternative ensembles in Argentina.
Four Moments by Sebastian Hardie. SEBASTIAN HARDIE is one of those rare '70s Australian prog groups (there just weren't that many of them).
Principe Di Un Giorno by Celeste. Very rare band from Italy, CELESTE's music features not by virtuosity or intricate compositions, rather, by melodic lines and dramatic passages.
Visitation by Pekka Pohjola. Pekka POHJOLA is without a doubt one of the greatest bassist/multi-instrumentalist in Europe.
Garden Shed by England. Their debut LP "Garden Shed" is one of the finest, 24-carat progrock albums I've ever heard and it was also a sought after item.
Academia De Danças by Egberto Gismonti. A world-renowned multi-instrumentalist and composer whose work reflects the musical diversity of Brazil.
Cornostipicum by Mia. Their music is a complex symphonic rock with definite Argentinean/latin folk influence with multiple corals and vocals beautifully contrasting with the keyboards and a great guitar sound upon a strong rhythmic section.
Un peu de l'âme des bandits by Aksak Maboul. This group managed two highly experimental albums in the late 70's before becoming the HONEYMOON KILLERS. They were led by keyboard man Marc Hollander.
Kew. Rhone. by John Greaves, Peter Blegvad & Lisa Herman. In his solo records he combines influences of his different musical experiences into a mixture of Jazz, Jazz-Rock, R.I.O, Traditional Songwriting, Absurd Theatre, Chanson Française and more.
Hellfire by Black Midi. Black Midi are a London based band who burst on the music scene in 2018 with an experimental post-punk avant jazz math rock combination with surprising virtuosity and edge for a bunch of musicians just out of high school.
The Ghost Trade by Camberwell Now. They are sometimes referred to as a continuation of THIS HEAT, but this is an over simplification; the relationship is more like that of MATCHING MOLE to SOFT MACHINE, or ART BEARS to HENRY COW.
The Ascension by Glenn Branca. Avant-garde guitarist and composer who emerged from New York's '70s no wave movement.
El Patio by Triana. Spanish experimental rock band Triana was formed in the mid-'70s by ex-Los Payos guitarist Eduardo Rodríguez, drummer Juan José Palacios, and ex-Tabaca Jesús de la Rosa.
Pequenas Anécdotas Sobre las Instituciones by Sui Generis. Argentinean folk-rock band Sui Generis was formed in the early '70s by singer, guitarist, and keyboardist Charly García and singer/instrumentalist Nito Mestre
Polygondwanaland by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. Australian psychedelic collective with an intense work ethic and a wildly experimental outlook that reaches from synth prog to folk-rock.
Valentyne Suite by Colosseum. Influential British band that pioneered a progressive form of jazz-rock, with unusual chord progressions and variant song structures.
Tamago (卵) by betcover!! Formed in 2015, betcover!! are a J-rock band with jazz rock influences, recently moving to a more progressive sound.
Los Delirios del Mariscal and Crucis by Crucis. Their music is half instrumental/half with strong Spanish vocals and the emphasis is on the keyboards (organ, string-ensemble, synthesizers, Steinway - and Fender Rhodes piano), the rhythm-section sounds powerful and adventurous.
Juan Gabriel:15 Años Baladas Éxitos & 15 Años de Éxitos Rancheros by Juan Gabriel. An immensely popular Mexican songwriter and performer who sold over 100 million albums.
Second Nature by Flying Colors. Progressive rock supergroup featuring former members of Dream Theater, the Dixie Dregs, and Spock's Beard.
Rocketman (Music from the Motion Picture) by Taron Egerton. The music from Elton John’s life sinks into the uncanny valley with a studio band, a substitute singer, and a silver-screen production.
Huono Parturi by Höyry-kone. Very good band from Finland with an intricate music that ranges over classic prog, jazz, blues, techno, and more.
The Lounge Lizards, Live in Berlin Vol. 1 & 2 by The Lounge Lizards. Band of eclectic merry jazzmen, led by John Lurie, whose lighthearted take on the avant-garde made them an NYC institution.
20 Éxitos Originales & Armando Manzanero: 20 Principales. Armando Manzanero. Former Mexico City music publisher whose greatest successes came from writing songs for other artists.
Colección de Oro Vol 1,2,3 by Chalino Sánchez. He specialized in the genres of corrido, ranchera and Mexican regional. His recognition in the musical field gave him the honor of being nicknamed as the King of the Corrido.
24 Páginas Inolvidables. Joan Manuel Serrat. Spanish singer, composer, actor, writer, poet and guitarist, awarded the Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise "for his brilliant career and his contribution to Spanish culture.”
Febrero 13, Vol. 1&2 (En Vivo) by Fernando Delgadillo. Mexican singer-songwriter of the trova genre or new song. Call his style "informal song".
Living’ With the Blues and Sings Ballads and Blues by Odetta A towering figure of folk revival and Civil Rights Movement, the African-American singer-songwriter provided voice for the voiceless.
Tell Me Why (The Riddle) [feat. Saint Etienne] by Paul van Dyk. Influential German trance producer who became one of the most popular DJs in the world.
Great One-Hit Wonders and Songs
Neón (Juegos de Amor, No hay Nada Eterno). Neon was a Mexican rock musical group formed in the mid-1980s, which were an important part of the underground movement of the Mexican capital and of that litter of groups that emerged after the 1985 earthquake.
Los Amantes de Lola (Mamá, Beber de Tu Sangre, María Rosario). Los Amantes de Lola is a Mexican rock and pop group from Mexico City. Considered one of the pillars of the resurgence of Mexican rock in the 1980s, of a unique style, they managed to capture the attention of thousands of followers throughout Mexico.
Miguel Mateos & Zas (Atado a un Sentimiento). Argentinean singer/songwriter Miguel Mateos became involved in the local music scene as leader of the band Cristal.
Los Encargados (Trátame Suavemente). Los Encargados was an Argentine techno-pop band, the first of its kind in the country. They combined the rigidity of techno with the melodies of Synth pop and originated as a trio of keyboards in early 1982, led by Daniel Melero.
Nacha Pop (Chica de Ayer, Vístete, Lucha de Gigantes). Nacha Pop was a Spanish Pop rock musical group of the 80s, formed in the middle of the then newborn Madrid movida. Antonio Vega and Nacho García Vega (guitars and vocals), Carlos Brooking (bass) and Ñete (drums) participated in his initial formation.
G.I.T (Es por Amor). G.I.T. (originally GIT, by the initials of its members: Guyot, Iturri and Toth) is a pop rock and new wave group originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, emerged in the early 1980s. The group was composed of Pablo Guyot (guitar and chorus), Willy Iturri (drums and vocals) and Alfredo Toth (bass and vocals).
La Vieja Inés (Cuando Lleguen las Lluvias). They were born in Mexico City in the mid-80's, first with the name of Romances de Mamá with which they would remain until 1992 when they took the definitive name "La Vieja Inés"
Ugly Kid Joe (Cats in the Cradle, Everything About You). A fun-loving hard rock/funk/alt-metal group from Southern California.
La Lupita (Paquita Disco). Mexican experimental band La Lupita got involved in the local scene in the early-'90s, combining rock and traditional Latin music, performing ironic and sarcastic lyrics.
The Verve (Bitter Sweet Symphony). Visionaries of atmospheric neo-psych who developed into anthemic alternative rockers with the massive success of 1997's "Bittersweet Symphony."
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Under the Bridge). California alternative rockers who mixed biting guitars with funk rhythms to become superstars in the 1990s and beyond.
4 Non Blonds (What’s up). 4 Non Blondes howled their way onto the charts in 1993 with "What's Up?" and then vanished without a whisper.
The Cranberries (Dreams, Odd to my Family, Zombie). Irish alternative rockers who earned considerable chart success with the melancholy yet brassy vocals of Dolores O'Riordan.
Counting Crows (Mr. Jones). Bay Area folk-rockers whose quirky nature made them alternative figureheads during the mid-'90s.
Crash Test Dummies (Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm). Canadian alternative rockers with folk and blues influences, led by the deep, distinctive baritone vocals of Brad Roberts.
Alanis Morissette (Uninvited). Award-winning Canadian singer/songwriter who weaves alt-rock angst and pop sensibility on deeply poetic confessionals.
Malvado (Fantasma). Solo project by Pablo Ulibarri, vocalist and founding member of Interpretors,
Azul Violeta (Tu Luz). Azul Violeta was a Mexican rock music group formed in Guadalajara, Jalisco, towards the end of the 1980s.
Coda (Aún). Mexican Rock band led by the amazing voice of Salvador "Chava" Aguilar
Los Enanitos Verdes (Por el Resto, Guitarras Blancas, La Muralla Verde). Argentinian pop/rock band los Enanitos Verdes was formed in the late '70s by singer/bassist Marciano Cantero, guitarist Felipe Staiti, and drummer Daniel Piccolo.
Mikel Erentxun (A un Minuto de Ti). Spanish singer and writer. For two periods, the first from 1984 to 2001, and the second from 2013 to 2016, he served as the vocalist of the Spanish rock band, Duncan Dhu.
Océano (El Derramo Su Amor por Ti). Pop/Rock band from Panamá from early 80’s
Radio Kaos (Botas Negras). Radio Kaos is a rock band formed in Los Angeles, USA in 1992 by the brothers Claudio and David Pérez Quezada, who came from Chile, along with Julián Salas from Los Angeles (Bass), Ronnie Buder from Argentina (Drummer) and Tito Sánchez (Iván Sanx) from Mexico (Guitar).
Los Rodriguez (Sin Documentos). Los Rodríguez was a Spanish-Argentine rock music band founded in Madrid, formed by two Argentine musicians (Andrés Calamaro and Ariel Rot) and two Spaniards (Germán Vilella and Julián Infante), who developed their career in the 1990s.
Los Toreros Muertos (Yo no me Llamo Javier, Mi Agüita Amarilla). Spanish alternative rock band founded in 1984, is part of the counterculture movement known as the Madrid move in the aesthetics of punk, pop and rock.
Vilma Palma e Vampiros (Bye-Bye, La Pachanga). Argentine rock band founded on September 20, 1990 in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe by Mario "Pájaro" Gómez, Gerardo "Largo" Pugliani and Jorge Risso.
Veni Vidi Vici (Viviendo de Noche). Spanish rock/pop duet. His time at the top occurred in Spain, during the Movida Madrileña and in Mexico during the Rock en tu idioma movement.
Rata Blanca (La Leyenda del Hada y el Mago). Considered one of the most important and influential of hard rock and heavy metal in Spanish, although during their career they have also incorporated heavy riffs with melodic and harmonic structures of classical music.
El Gran Silencio (Déjenme Si Estoy Llorando (Chuntaro Style)). Mexican rock band in Spanish, originally from the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico founded in 1992, which fuses a variety of ska, rock, reggae, dancehall, rap and hip-hop with traditional Latin American music such as cumbia, vallenato and norteña.
Gustavo Cerati (Te Llevo Para Que Me Lleves). Singer/songwriter and pop experimentalist who rose to the top of Argentina's music scene, both in Soda Stereo and as a solo act.
Delinquentes Habits (Tres Delinquentes). American Chicano rap and hip hop musical group, formed in 1991 in the city of Los Angeles.
The Ides of March (Vehicle). Chicago-based rock band who are best known for the tough horn-accented rock of their 1970 hit "Vehicle."
Steel Dragon (We All Die Young). Steel Dragon is the name of a fictional hard rock and glam metal group starring real musicians, created to appear in the Warner Bros film Rock Star (2001)
Crazy Heart (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Brand New Angel, The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart))
MoneyBall (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (The Show). It is an adaptation of the novel Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game (2003), based on the true story of Billy Beane, general manager of the Oakland Athletics team, who used advanced statistics to sign players.
Canned Head (Going Up the Country). One of the premier blues bands of the 1960s, influential on groove-laden rockers ranging from ZZ Top to Phish.
The Zoombies (Time of the Season). Popular British Invasion group who also redefined the concept of the rock album with their chamber-pop masterpiece Odessey and Oracle.
Jacques Brel (Ne me quitte pas). Legendary French songwriter whose theatrical, emotionally powerful songs gained an international audience.
Kenny Rogers (Coward of the County). Suave Texan with a mellow, raspy voice who supplied his audience with well-crafted pop songs possessing country flavor.
Willie Nelson (On the Road Again). Pioneer of the anti-establishment outlaw image, a country icon who wrote hundreds of songs and became a spectacular showman.
Woody Guthrie (This is Land is Your Land). A colossal figure of America's folk heritage whose simple, lyrically powerful songs inspired generations, both musically and socially.
Illya Kuryaki & The Valderramas (Abarajame). Latin hardcore/rap Illya Kuryaki & the Valderramas was formed by ex-Pechugo Emmanuel Horvilleur and Argentine rock icon Luis Alberto Spinetta's son Dante Spinetta
Double (The Captain of Her Heart). One of the few Swiss acts to achieve chart success in the United States, Double earned their place as a one-hit wonder when "The Captain of Her Heart" climbed into the Top 20 in late 1986.
Christopher Cross (Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)). Radio staple of the early '80s for his smooth pop hits "Ride Like the Wind," "Sailing," and "Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do).
Pitbull (Somebody To Be). Miami MC who built a multi-platinum career by melding Latin rap and pop for his hitmaking formula.
Bryan Adams (Summer of ’69). Canadian rock musician, guitarist, singer, composer, photographer and philanthropist. In more than forty years of career he has sold more than one hundred million copies, including albums and singles worldwide, since 1975.
Youssou N'Dour (7 Seconds (feat. Neneh Cherry)). Senegalese-born exponent of the mbalax sound, which combines traditional Wolof music with Islamic and Cuban influences.
Bruce Hornsby & The Range (The Way It Is). Singer-songwriter-pianist whose breezy, nonchalant style made his numerous hits of the 1980s instantly recognizable.
Joe "Bean" Esposito (You're the Best). American singer-songwriter who had a moderately successful career during the 70's and 80's.
Michael Penn (The Big Top (Theme From "Boogie Nights”). Critically lauded California smart pop singer/songwriter who later segued into film and television scoring.
Adam Sandler (You Spin Me Round (Like a Record), Grow Old With You). American comedian, actor, and musician who starred on SNL before his late-'90s blockbuster breakthrough.
The Outfield (All the Love in the World, Your Love). Melodic pop band from London, scored major 1986 hit with "Your Love."
Paula Abdul (Straight Up). Choreographer turned dance-pop singer who achieved strong commercial success in the late '80s and early '90s.
The Lightning Seeds (Pure). Breezy Liverpool indie-pop band who scored many hits while helping pave the way for twee.
The Boomtown Rats (I Don't Like Mondays). Early Irish new wave group led by the visionary Bob Geldof, mixed punky energy with musical sophistication.
Gary Numan (Cars). Founding father of synth pop whose constantly evolving form of dystopian electronic rock music has influenced countless alternative and dance acts.
Nu Shooz (I Can't Wait). Genre-blurring married duo whose effervescent "I Can't Wait" became a number three pop hit in 1986.
The Cars (Drive, Magic, Hello Again). Boston group that matched new wave energy to tight rhythms, with disembodied vocals and a surprising affection for '60s bubblegum.
Bananarama (Cruel Summer). All-female, ska-influenced pop trio who frequently stormed the charts in the 1980s.
Anything Box (Living In Oblivion). Formed in 1986 by Claude S. with two friends, Dania Morales and Paul Rijnders, the New Jersey trio Anything Box took their name from the title of a book of short stories.
A Flock of Seagulls (Space Age Love Song, I Ran (So Far Away), The More You Live The More You Love). Best known for their early-'80s hits "I Ran" and "Wishing," this infectious new wave act endured on the nostalgia tour circuit for decades since.
Nena (99 Red Balloons). Long-running German dance-rock performer best known for her international '80s hit "99 Luftballons."
Pretenders (Stop Your Sobbing). Alternative rockers, led by Chrissie Hynde, whose melodic, intelligent sound straddled punk's rawness and the ear candy of new wave.
Spandau Ballet (True). Leading figures of the 80s New Romantic movement, producing hits including their classic, ‘True.'
Q Lazzarus (Goodbye Horses). Enigmatic powerhouse singer behind the cult classic "Goodbye Horses" whose full story was only told after her 2022 death.
Pet Shop Boys (West End Girls, Domino Dancing). Inventive British duo who conquered commercial and critical terrain with an unerring flair for lush, dance-oriented pop.
Alphaville (Big in Japan, Forever Young). German purveyors of brooding yet catchy synth pop, including a trio of international hits during 1984 led by "Big in Japan."
Ultravox (Vienna). Latter-day art rockers under John Foxx, then a major pop success and new romantic influence as synth popsters under Midge Ure.
When in Rome (The Promise). Manchester dance/New Wave trio best known for enduring 1989 hit "The Promise."
Thompson Twins (Hold Me Now). British synthesizer act whose pop focus on songs like "Hold Me Now" helped achieve steady success on both sides of the Atlantic during the 1980s.
Fatboy Slim (Praise You). Pioneer of the big beat movement who remains an in-demand DJ and producer of funky, melodic house tracks.
Night Ranger (Sister Christian). Bay Area hard rockers best known for the iconic power ballad "Sister Christian."
Moby (Extreme Ways). American producer, DJ, and singer/songwriter who ranks among the most important, successful, and outspoken figures in electronic music.
Sublime (Santeria). Tuneful SoCal ska-punk trio whose self-titled 1996 album made them belated stars after the death of frontman Bradley Nowell.
Green Day (When I Come Around, Basket Case). Snotty punk revivalists with multi-platinum sales during the mid-'90s, then critical respect (and more sales) for their rock opera American Idiot.
Gorillaz (Clint Eastwood, 19-2000). Cartoon supergroup, led by Damon Albarn, who blend Brit-pop and hip-hop while featuring a revolving all-star cast.
Rod Stewart (Lost in You). A flamboyant, gravelly-voiced rock/pop singer who fronted the Faces before becoming one of the biggest stars of the 1970s and '80s.
Miguel Bosé (Aire No Soy, Salamandra). Panamanian singer and actor who became immensely popular despite his diverse styles, political stances, and unorthodox film roles.
Papa Roach (Last Resort, Broken Home). Multi-platinum act with early punk and rap influences that grew into hook-driven hard rockers with heavy metal leanings.
Enrique Iglesias (Por Amarte, Si tú te Vas). Son of the global superstar Julio Iglesias who's enjoyed virtually the same amount of success with his Latin-influenced pop.
Shakira (Si Te Vas, Inevitable). Colombian singer and songwriter who achieved international crossover stardom with her bilingual pop anthems.
Bobby Pulido (Desvelado). The son of longtime Tejano legend Roberto Pulido, Bobby Pulido combines the sound of Tejano with the country music he grew up listening to in Texas.
Eric Carmen (All by Myself). Frontman for power pop heroes the Raspberries, and a solo star with a variety of classic pop styles.
Bread (Everything I Own, If). A frequent presence on the early-'70s American charts due to their well-crafted, melodic soft rock.
REO Speedwagon (Keep on Loving You, Take it on the Run). Hard-working and hard-rocking band from the Illinois heartland who morphed into million-selling power balladeers by the '80s.
Nazareth (Love Hurts). Scottish hard rock band initially known for relentless touring but later famous for their proto-power ballad "Love Hurts."
Soundgarden (Black Hole Sun). Grunge pioneers who took the heavy sludge of '70s metal and infused it with the raw aesthetic of '80s punk to become an important band of the '90s.
The Turtles (Happy Together). Indebted to the harmony-heavy sound of the British Invasion, the Turtles were the quirkiest mainstream guitar pop group Los Angeles produced in the '60s.
Karlheinz Stockhausen (Kontakte). The most influential, unique voice in the musical avant-garde, with a keen sensitivity to the acoustical realities and possibilities of sound.
Kenny y Los Electricos (No Huyas de Mi). Mexican rock group formed in 1980 by singer Kenny Avilés, leader and vocalist, who is known as "the mother of Mexican rock."
UB40 (Red Red Wine) British reggae band from the West Midlands who had several crossover hits in the 1980s and '90s with cover versions of '60s pop songs.
David Gilmour (Raise my Rent). Best-known for his distinctively atmospheric lead guitar work for seminal prog-rockers Pink Floyd, but also a frequent solo artist.